Does hydrated Copper Chloride with 20 moles of H2O make sense?

  • Chemistry
  • Thread starter sp3sp2sp
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    Copper Moles
In summary, the person had initially calculated a mole ratio of chlorine to copper as 2:1 and a mole ratio of water to copper in the hydrated sample as 20:1. They were unsure if this was reasonable as it was their first time doing a hydrate experiment. However, they later realized they had made a small calculation mistake and the correct mole ratio for water to copper is 2:1. They also mentioned that a ratio of 20 molecules of water per one ion of the salt may be too high and may indicate a more complicated salt.
  • #1

Homework Statement

without posting all the lab data I am just wondering if this makes sense. I calculated moles Chlorine to moles Copper as 2:1. (seems reasonable to me).

Then I calculated mole ratio of water to Copper in hydrated sample as 20:1. (not sure if this is "reasonable " or not because this is first time I've done hydrate experiment)
so hydrated fomula would be CuCl_2*20H_2O

Thanks for any help

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
figured out what was by one decimal place in my calculation...should be 2 moles H2O...dumb mistake!
  • #3
20 looks a bit high for a simple hydrate. For more complicated salts like some alums and pseudo alums (aka double sulfates) n goes up to 22 (or perhaps even 24), but then it is 22 molecules of water for three cations and four sulfate anions. In general more than 2-3 molecules of water per an ion of the salt (three of them in CuCl2, one Cu2+ and two Cl-) always looks suspicious to me.

FAQ: Does hydrated Copper Chloride with 20 moles of H2O make sense?

What is hydrated Copper Chloride?

Hydrated Copper Chloride is a compound that contains both copper and chlorine atoms, as well as water molecules in its chemical structure. It is commonly used in laboratory experiments and industrial processes.

How many water molecules are present in hydrated Copper Chloride?

In general, the number of water molecules in hydrated Copper Chloride can vary. However, in this specific case, it is stated that there are 20 moles of water molecules present per mole of Copper Chloride. So, if we know the amount of Copper Chloride present, we can calculate the number of water molecules by multiplying it by 20.

Why is hydrated Copper Chloride used?

Hydrated Copper Chloride is used for various purposes, such as a catalyst in chemical reactions, as a drying agent, and in the production of other chemicals. It is also used in the production of pigments and as a mordant in dyeing fabrics.

Is it possible to have a different number of water molecules in hydrated Copper Chloride?

Yes, it is possible. The number of water molecules in hydrated Copper Chloride can vary depending on the specific compound and the conditions under which it was formed. In some cases, it may not have any water molecules at all.

How does the presence of water molecules affect the properties of Copper Chloride?

The presence of water molecules in hydrated Copper Chloride can affect its physical and chemical properties. For example, it can change the color and solubility of the compound, as well as its melting and boiling points. Water molecules can also participate in chemical reactions with Copper Chloride, altering its reactivity and behavior.

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