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Say p(x) is the product of the first x odd prime numbers (e.g. p(4)=3*5*7*11) and i is at least one. Then consider:
1 < p(x) ± 2*i < (p(x+1)/p(x))2
My hypothesis is that the above formula, obeying the restrictions, always produces a prime number.
For example if x=3 and i=13, then p(3)-2*13=79. 79 is bigger than 1 and smaller than 112, therefore it's a prime number.
I'm not a python programmer, but this code yields prime numbers using the above formula:
Scroll down and assign a non-negative integer to x in the code and run it. If the program detects a non-prime then it should output "NOT" followed by the generated number. If the generated number is a prime, then it outputs "NMB". The second number after the second colon is the value of i. So the above example would be displayed as: "NMB : 79 : 13" (excluding the double quotes)
Thanks for help.
Say p(x) is the product of the first x odd prime numbers (e.g. p(4)=3*5*7*11) and i is at least one. Then consider:
1 < p(x) ± 2*i < (p(x+1)/p(x))2
My hypothesis is that the above formula, obeying the restrictions, always produces a prime number.
For example if x=3 and i=13, then p(3)-2*13=79. 79 is bigger than 1 and smaller than 112, therefore it's a prime number.
I'm not a python programmer, but this code yields prime numbers using the above formula:
from math import ceil
def is_prime(number):
if(number < 2):
return False
i = 2
while i <= ceil(number**0.5):
if(number%i == 0):
return False
i = i + 1
return True
def f(number_of_primes):
flag = True
prime_product = 1
prime_array = []
n, i = 3, 0
while i < number_of_primes:
if(is_prime(n) == True):
prime_product = prime_product * n
i = i + 1
n = n + 1
while True:
if(is_prime(n) == True):
largest_prime = n
n = n + 1
i = 1
while True:
for x in range(len(prime_array)):
if(i%prime_array[x] == 0):
flag = False
if flag == False:
flag = True
i = i + 1
n = prime_product - 2*i
if n <= 1:
if n < largest_prime**2:
if is_prime(n) == False:
print("NOT : ", n, " : ", i)
print("NMB : ", n, " : ", i)
i = i + 1
def g(number_of_primes):
flag = True
prime_product = 1
prime_array = []
n, i = 3, 0
while i < number_of_primes:
if(is_prime(n) == True):
prime_product = prime_product * n
i = i + 1
n = n + 1
while True:
if(is_prime(n) == True):
largest_prime = n
n = n + 1
i = 1
while True:
for x in range(len(prime_array)):
if(i%prime_array[x] == 0):
flag = False
if flag == False:
flag = True
i = i + 1
n = prime_product + 2*i
if n < largest_prime**2:
if is_prime(n) == False:
print("NOT : ", n, " : ", i)
print("NMB : ", n, " : ", i)
i = i + 1
x = 4 # Enter a non-negative integer
print("- - - - -")
Thanks for help.