How Does Temperature Affect Equilibrium Constants for Conformers?

  • Thread starter krootox217
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In summary, the question asked about the Keq at two different temperatures and the provided equations were used to calculate the values. However, a mistake was made in using the value for ΔΔG instead of ΔG, resulting in incorrect values for Keq. Assistance is requested in solving the problem correctly.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hi, I have the following task:

We have two conformers and the difference in energy between them is aprox. 1 Kcal/mol. What is the Keq at room temperature vs. at -78°C?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to solve the problem the following way:

deltaG = R*T*ln(Keq) --> Keq=e^(deltaG/(-R*T))

T(room)=293.15K, T(-78°C)=195.15K
R=8.313 J/(mol*K), DeltaG= 1 Kcal/mol= 4184 J/mol

then I inserted the values and got Keq(room) = 0.18 and Keq(-78°C) = 0.08 which is apparently wrong. They told me that I used deltadeltaG instead of deltaG in the equation. Can somebody help me?
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  • #2
In the equation you quote, how is ΔG defined?