Is it possible that black holes create dark matter/energy?

  • #1
Wondering if it's possible that black holes create dark matter and dark energy from the matter and energy they consume. Then, inflation might slow when supply is low. This would support author Tarō Gomi's theory that "everyone poops." What role would time dilation play if that's what's happening? Lastly, do black holes evaporate once their surrounding galaxies have been completely pulled in or do they remain?
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  • #2
Nobody knows in any detail what happens to matter that has been drawn into a black hole.
There are various conjectures mostly based on math which is known to be incomplete, and to a lesser degree on particle physics that we do know about, for example results from the LHC experiments.
As far as I know none of these conjectures or observations lead to the conclusion that ordinary matter becomes converted to dark matter.

On your last point, one fairly widely held opinion is that in the unimaginably distant future there will be nothing left in the universe other than black holes which will over an even more unimaginably long time evaporate, after which the universe consists only of a sea of extremely low level radiation.
  • #3
Please remember the Physics Forums rule about personal theories and speculation unsupported by publication in appropriate peer-reviewed sources. This thread is closed, as there little to add to what rootone has already said: "As far as I know none of these conjectures or observations lead to the conclusion that ordinary matter becomes converted to dark matter."