Is there an animation that potrays overall look of orbitals?

In summary, electrons in atoms are not actually "moving" in orbitals, but rather occupying different energy states. They are identical particles and can interchange between orbitals without any observable difference. There is no way to mark an electron and the probability of finding it in a certain region depends on the shape and size of the orbital. In real atoms with more than one electron, the concept of one-electron orbitals becomes an approximation and the actual wavefunction is a superposition of different orbitals. The electronic distribution in boron atoms is not spherically symmetric, but can be made isotropic with an electric or magnetic field.
  • #1
And how electrons behave in each separate orbital? I was told that, in case of Boron, electron in 3p orbital will not be confined to the imaginary region of the 3p orbital (3px orbital, whose shape resembles a bowtie), but instead will be moving around the nucleus as if its movement was confined to an s orbital (spherical).

Also, do electrons interchange between orbitals? If yes, how often? In case of Boron, let's suppose. Do electrons usually "stick" to their orbitals?
So, for example, if you try to mark a certain electron in 1s orbital, you'd know that if you return an hour later, that specific electron will still be confined to the region of 1s orbital, meaning it won't be "hanging out" in the region as defined by 3p orbital's shape, right?
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  • #2
"Orbital" is a misnomer ... we do not think of electrons in atoms as "moving about" at all, we think of them as "occupying an energy state". So much of the background concepts behind your questions just do not apply.

Electrons are identical particles - this means that if two electrons exchanged energy states, orbitals, we would not be able to tell. It is physically exactly the same as if they didn't so we don't bother wondering about it.

There is no way to mark an electron.

But - the 1s state has a radial distribution that is spherical and extends all the way to infinity.
This means that there is some non-zero probability of finding an electron with the energy of the 1s electron anywhere.
Though we are most likely to find it close to the nucleus.

The 3p state has a kinda dumbell distribution, but extends through all space too.
But in this case there are particular distances where the probability vanishes...

So there is no regeon of space that is excluded to the 1s electron, but there are a few excluded from the 3p electron.

The average radii of the distributions is what gives the "shell"s of the shell model.
The electrons are most likely to be found close to this value.

These are the distributions for hydrogen:
... the same basic shapes follow for states in other atoms - with different distances.

So there won't be an animation that will do you any good - because there is nothing to animate.
  • #3
That's a difficult question: In real atoms with more than one electron, one-electron orbitals are no longer well defined, but represent just an approximation. The real wavefunction is a quantum mechanical superposition of the electrons being in different orbitals. "This is technically called "configuration interaction".
Alternatively, the wavefunction of many-body atoms can be analysed in terms of so-called "natural orbitals" which are well defined but contain a non-integer value of electrons.

One more point: The electronic distribution in boron atoms in the ground state is never spherically symmetric. However, as all directions are energetically degenerate, an ensemble of many boron atoms will look spatially isotropic, i.e. in the mean over all atoms, there will be no preferred direction. However, this degeneracy can be split applying an electric or magnetic field.
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FAQ: Is there an animation that potrays overall look of orbitals?

1. What is an orbital?

An orbital is a region of space around the nucleus of an atom where there is a high probability of finding an electron.

2. How are orbitals represented in animation?

Orbitals are typically represented in animation by using colors and shapes to show the probability distribution of electrons in a specific energy level and subshell.

3. Are there any specific animations that show the overall look of orbitals?

Yes, there are several animations available online that show the overall look of orbitals. Some examples include the "Orbitron" animation by The University of Sheffield and the "Atomic Orbitals" animation by the University of Colorado Boulder.

4. How accurate are these animations?

These animations are generally accurate in terms of showing the overall shape and distribution of orbitals. However, they are simplified representations and do not show the exact location of electrons in orbitals, which is described by quantum mechanics.

5. Why are animations useful in understanding orbitals?

Animations can help visualize and conceptualize the abstract concept of orbitals, making it easier to understand how electrons are arranged around the nucleus of an atom. They also allow for a more interactive and engaging learning experience.

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