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Hello community,
First of all I want to apologize if what I'm about to post is a complete nonsense, I have to admit that my knowledge in physics and futhermore astrophysics is close to NULL, but from a few years back I've been wondering some things but I didn't have the chance to discuss about it with an expert in the topic.
Now without further delay, this is my question.
Imagine for a second the following scenario:
* The sun explodes
* The explosion travels far enough to reach Earth.
* The explosion travels at the speed of light
* Discard any death due the explosion, lack of sun, etc.
Now being aware that the information travel from the sun to Earth takes about 8 minutes we have to assume that we will realize that the Sun started exploding 8 minutes after it began, right?
Here comes the real question... How would it look like?
The question is because, assuming the explosion travels at the speed of light and so does information, we would stsrt seeing the sun explode at the same time we get hit by the explosion, therefore we would look at the explosion first, but fron what distance? And how would the rest of the explosion look like? It would look as a normal event developing in a secuence since we already saw the end od it and the following thing happens:
Sun explodes (SE): 8 minutes until we realize from Earth
Explosion half way through: 4 minutes until we realize from Earth
When the explosion is 4 minutes away, so is our realization of the sun explosion.
I hope I was able to communicate properly the idea, and I would be thankful for any person who can help me out with this.
First of all I want to apologize if what I'm about to post is a complete nonsense, I have to admit that my knowledge in physics and futhermore astrophysics is close to NULL, but from a few years back I've been wondering some things but I didn't have the chance to discuss about it with an expert in the topic.
Now without further delay, this is my question.
Imagine for a second the following scenario:
* The sun explodes
* The explosion travels far enough to reach Earth.
* The explosion travels at the speed of light
* Discard any death due the explosion, lack of sun, etc.
Now being aware that the information travel from the sun to Earth takes about 8 minutes we have to assume that we will realize that the Sun started exploding 8 minutes after it began, right?
Here comes the real question... How would it look like?
The question is because, assuming the explosion travels at the speed of light and so does information, we would stsrt seeing the sun explode at the same time we get hit by the explosion, therefore we would look at the explosion first, but fron what distance? And how would the rest of the explosion look like? It would look as a normal event developing in a secuence since we already saw the end od it and the following thing happens:
Sun explodes (SE): 8 minutes until we realize from Earth
Explosion half way through: 4 minutes until we realize from Earth
When the explosion is 4 minutes away, so is our realization of the sun explosion.
I hope I was able to communicate properly the idea, and I would be thankful for any person who can help me out with this.