On a finiteley generated submodule of a direct sum of left R-modules

In summary, each $x_j$ is in a finite direct sum of $M_i$'s. This is confirmed by the fact that each $x_j$ is an element of $M$, which is an external direct sum of left $R$-modules.
  • #1
Suppose $(M_i)_{i \in I}$ is a family of left $R$-modules and $M = \bigoplus_{i \in I} M_i$.
Suppose $N = \langle x_1 \cdots x_m \rangle$ is a finitely generated submodule of $M$.
Then for each $j = 1 \cdots m$, there is a finite $I_j \subset I$ such that $x_j \in \bigoplus_{i \in I_j} M_i$.

Can anyone help me with this ?*EDIT*
It is clear that each $x_j$ is in at least one $M_i$. I even think that it is exactly one. I need some confirmation.$
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  • #2
My *EDIT* in post #1 in not correct.It took me a while, but the solution is:

Each $x_j$ is an element of $M = \bigoplus_{ i \in I} M_i $.

Therefore $x_j = (m_{ij})_{I \in I}$ where $m_{ij} \in M_i$ is the i-th component of $x_j$ in $\bigoplus_{ i \in I} M_i $.

M is an external direct sum, so only finitely many $m_{ij}$ are nonzero.

Let $I_j = \{i \in I | m_{ij} \neq 0 \}$, $I_j$ is finite.

Then $x_j \in $ $\bigoplus_{ i \in I_j} M_i $.
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FAQ: On a finiteley generated submodule of a direct sum of left R-modules

1. What is a submodule?

A submodule is a subset of a module that is also a module itself. It is closed under the module operations of addition and scalar multiplication.

2. What does it mean for a submodule to be finitely generated?

A submodule is finitely generated if it can be generated by a finite number of elements, meaning that every element in the submodule can be written as a linear combination of these generators.

3. What is a direct sum of left R-modules?

A direct sum of left R-modules is a construction where multiple modules are combined in a way that preserves their individual structures. This allows for the study of larger and more complex modules.

4. How do we know if a submodule is a direct sum of left R-modules?

A submodule is a direct sum of left R-modules if it can be written as the direct sum of two or more submodules, and each submodule has no nontrivial intersection with the others.

5. Why is the concept of a direct sum of left R-modules important?

The concept of a direct sum of left R-modules allows for the study of larger and more complex modules by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable submodules. It also provides a way to classify and understand the structure of modules in a systematic manner.
