Pair production - which theory does it belong to

In summary, the theory of pair production is described by quantum field theory, which is a subdivision of scattering theory. Pair production follows the conservation laws and can be mathematically explained using the relativistic energy-momentum relationship: E^2 = (pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2. This equation can be used to achieve the same result of ##h \nu## as obtained through conservation of energy and momentum.
  • #1
I am wondering in which theory pair productioon is described? Is it field theory, particle physics or quantum physics? I am sorry for such a basic question, but i need this info to find some books which will explain pair production mathematically and not by waving hands... (like allover the web)

Thank you.
Physics news on
  • #2
Quantum field theory
This is a field theory, it is a quantum theory, and (nearly?) all calculations in particle physics use quantum field theory.
  • #3
Would you recommend any books for pair production?
  • #4
71GA said:
Would you recommend any books for pair production?

It would depend on how deeply you want to get into it. Judging by the work you did and the questions you were asking in this thread, you'll get a long ways just by knowing two things:
1) Pair production obeys all the conservation laws.
2) The relativistic energy-momentum relationship: [itex]E^2 = (pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2[/itex]
  • #5
I am wondering in which theory pair productioon is described?
Actually this is so called scattering theory. This is indeed a subdivision of QFT.
  • #6
Nugatory said:
It would depend on how deeply you want to get into it. Judging by the work you did and the questions you were asking in this thread, you'll get a long ways just by knowing two things:
1) Pair production obeys all the conservation laws.
2) The relativistic energy-momentum relationship: [itex]E^2 = (pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2[/itex]

Could you write down in my other topic, how i could use this equation? To achieve same ##h \nu## which i get by conservation of energy and conservation of momentum.

FAQ: Pair production - which theory does it belong to

1. What is pair production and how does it occur?

Pair production is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where a particle and its corresponding antiparticle are created from the energy of a photon. This occurs when a high-energy photon interacts with an atomic nucleus, producing an electron and a positron.

2. Does pair production belong to classical or quantum theory?

Pair production belongs to quantum theory, specifically quantum field theory, which describes the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions. Classical physics, on the other hand, deals with larger-scale phenomena.

3. Who first proposed the theory of pair production?

The theory of pair production was first proposed by physicist Paul Dirac in 1930. He predicted the existence of antiparticles and their creation from the energy of a photon.

4. Can pair production be observed in everyday life?

No, pair production cannot be observed in everyday life as it requires extremely high energy levels. It is only observable in particle accelerators or in astrophysical phenomena such as gamma-ray bursts.

5. How is pair production related to the annihilation process?

Pair production and annihilation are two sides of the same process. Pair production occurs when a photon creates a particle-antiparticle pair, while annihilation occurs when a particle and its antiparticle collide and convert their mass into energy in the form of photons.

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