Peticure Elite - nail trimmer for pets

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
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Gold Member
Introducing the peticure elite and the peticure safe guard
The use of the rotary tool for pet nail filing has evolved with patent pending peticure safe guard. peticure provides today's pet professionals with what they are looking for — safe, efficient, and effective tools to perform at their best. peticure is the next level in nail care. The innovations of the peticure safe guard take all of the positive features of "rotary tool filing" and eliminate all of the negatives.

Here's why . . .

These look pretty cool to me. We had two dogs that were incredibly sensitive to nail clipping, which was a real pain for us and painful for the dogs. But I wonder if some animals wouldn't still react to the noise. And I wonder how much nail can be removed at one time. Does maintenance require either weekly trimmings or extended grinding times?
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  • #2
Ivan Seeking said:

These look pretty cool to me. We had two dogs that were incredibly sensitive to nail clipping, which was a real pain for us and painful for the dogs. But I wonder if some animals wouldn't still react to the noise. And I wonder how much nail can be removed at one time. Does maintenance require either weekly trimmings or extended grinding times?

My secretary bought this (or something similar), and the dogs would have none of it. It wasn't the noise, it was the vibration. She tried it on herself and she couldn't stand it either!
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  • #3
Try filing your nails with a Dremel tool, and you'll get some perspective on this. The noise would likely freak out most animals. We have a hard enough time with the noise of electric clippers to shave wool on sheep...they always startle when the clippers are first turned on. And, with a grinder type attachment, you not only have noise and vibration, but heat from the friction...OUCH! I clip my cat's nails about every other week to keep them maintained, and I think a quick clip is much less stressful than taking the time to file them down (and if you grind them down faster, the heat produced would be painful too).
  • #4
Regular pet nail trimmers work just fine when used correctly. Just clipped my puppies and he didn't squirm one bit.