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I'm a grad student, probably in the top5 list of departments in the whole world that best address the discipline of my research, and here is my opinion after 1 year and 3 months of experience.
My impression about nowadays science is that it is polluted. The good news are that still it is not sinking because some people belonging to the old school knows how to overcome those pollutant agents that are endangering its survivance. The pollution comes from two sources: the money and the people.
The money because the government and funding institutions are giving free way to those who do research on things that they consider interesting for the world. The money because those institutions don't promote the growing of new generations of scientists (i.e. they don't tailor its projects to grad students). The money because every grad students that comes get their imagination and creativity totally cut to the smallest limit, having to agree with what is written in a proposal already agreed a priori. The money because the advisor cuts the creativity and imagination of the future scientist, making him to have to agree to what is written in a proposal that he didn't write. The money because this shortening on imagination constraints the scientific advance to what a bunch of jerks consider what is advance and what is not. And finally the money because the money is making the science to loose the original spirit that it had half a century ago and before, when people researched even for fun, being happy for doing that, and not worrying too much about how trascendental were their discovers.
The people because a growing bunch of scientists are too worried about the trascendence and relevance of their studies. The people because the scientist of today don't really want to do science, but appearing on the newspapers and obtaining the applause of all his colleagues. The people because they follow the stream of the jerks and they consider relevant what is not relevant at all. The people because they don't understand that the original sense of science was not to do something relevant when doing research, but enlargering a "dx" (differential of x) the frontier of the human knowledge, even though the "dx" does not seem relevant at first sight. The people because a bunch of scientists of today (most of them) consider all fashioned and kind of ridiculous what was done 50 years ago, they laugh if someone keeps on doing it nowadays, and some of them even consider that a thesis cannot be written and done with a simple PC.
Too much lack of humbleness is what I am seeing. Too much lack of respect to those old guys that still do their presentations with transparencies, too much lack of respect to those who don't do a large numerical computation or does not choose a cool topic, a topic proposed by the jerks by the way.
Don't think I am dissapointed, I am glad to be in my spot doing classical things, things that were done 50 years ago, not a cool thing for these days. I am glad not to be running with those who want to appear on the news doing science. I am glad to think that I am in science not for doing something relevant for the world or saving lifes, but because I like to do my little things and I don't hope nobody is going to acknowledge my work at short term. And I am glad to think that Science is not a Business as a bunch of scientists are starting to think after discovering how to make money with patents. I really thing the true science WAS written in base of these feelings some time ago. And I really think that those who doesn't think like that should be working in a company, they would have more chances to appear in the news or being applaused.
My impression about nowadays science is that it is polluted. The good news are that still it is not sinking because some people belonging to the old school knows how to overcome those pollutant agents that are endangering its survivance. The pollution comes from two sources: the money and the people.
The money because the government and funding institutions are giving free way to those who do research on things that they consider interesting for the world. The money because those institutions don't promote the growing of new generations of scientists (i.e. they don't tailor its projects to grad students). The money because every grad students that comes get their imagination and creativity totally cut to the smallest limit, having to agree with what is written in a proposal already agreed a priori. The money because the advisor cuts the creativity and imagination of the future scientist, making him to have to agree to what is written in a proposal that he didn't write. The money because this shortening on imagination constraints the scientific advance to what a bunch of jerks consider what is advance and what is not. And finally the money because the money is making the science to loose the original spirit that it had half a century ago and before, when people researched even for fun, being happy for doing that, and not worrying too much about how trascendental were their discovers.
The people because a growing bunch of scientists are too worried about the trascendence and relevance of their studies. The people because the scientist of today don't really want to do science, but appearing on the newspapers and obtaining the applause of all his colleagues. The people because they follow the stream of the jerks and they consider relevant what is not relevant at all. The people because they don't understand that the original sense of science was not to do something relevant when doing research, but enlargering a "dx" (differential of x) the frontier of the human knowledge, even though the "dx" does not seem relevant at first sight. The people because a bunch of scientists of today (most of them) consider all fashioned and kind of ridiculous what was done 50 years ago, they laugh if someone keeps on doing it nowadays, and some of them even consider that a thesis cannot be written and done with a simple PC.
Too much lack of humbleness is what I am seeing. Too much lack of respect to those old guys that still do their presentations with transparencies, too much lack of respect to those who don't do a large numerical computation or does not choose a cool topic, a topic proposed by the jerks by the way.
Don't think I am dissapointed, I am glad to be in my spot doing classical things, things that were done 50 years ago, not a cool thing for these days. I am glad not to be running with those who want to appear on the news doing science. I am glad to think that I am in science not for doing something relevant for the world or saving lifes, but because I like to do my little things and I don't hope nobody is going to acknowledge my work at short term. And I am glad to think that Science is not a Business as a bunch of scientists are starting to think after discovering how to make money with patents. I really thing the true science WAS written in base of these feelings some time ago. And I really think that those who doesn't think like that should be working in a company, they would have more chances to appear in the news or being applaused.