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The interview: John Batchelor Show
The scientific paper: https://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v544/n7650/full/nature22055.html[/PLAIN] ]Nature and ArXiv
The basic facts:
Star Name: LHS 1140
Constellation: Cetus the Whale
Distance from Sun: 41 light-years
Star type: Red dwarf (much smaller, cooler, and fainter than Sun)
Mass of Star: 15% of Sun's
Diameter of Star: 19% of Sun's
Luminosity of Star: 0.3% of Sun's
Planet Name: LHS 1140 b
Distance from Star: 8.1 million miles (vs. 36 million miles for Mercury)
Orbital Period: 24.7 days (vs. 88 days for Mercury)
Mass of Planet: 6.6 Earth masses
Diameter of Planet: 1.4 Earth diameters
Density of Planet: 12.5 grams per cubic centimeter (much denser than Earth or any other planet in our solar system)
Composition of Planet: High density implies a world of iron and rock, like Earth.
The scientific paper: https://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v544/n7650/full/nature22055.html[/PLAIN] ]Nature and ArXiv
The basic facts:
Star Name: LHS 1140
Constellation: Cetus the Whale
Distance from Sun: 41 light-years
Star type: Red dwarf (much smaller, cooler, and fainter than Sun)
Mass of Star: 15% of Sun's
Diameter of Star: 19% of Sun's
Luminosity of Star: 0.3% of Sun's
Planet Name: LHS 1140 b
Distance from Star: 8.1 million miles (vs. 36 million miles for Mercury)
Orbital Period: 24.7 days (vs. 88 days for Mercury)
Mass of Planet: 6.6 Earth masses
Diameter of Planet: 1.4 Earth diameters
Density of Planet: 12.5 grams per cubic centimeter (much denser than Earth or any other planet in our solar system)
Composition of Planet: High density implies a world of iron and rock, like Earth.
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