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What would be the propable trajectory and position of the ninth planet that has been suggested few days ago (20.1.2016 by Konstantin Batygin and Michael E. Brown) ?
if i understood correctly, the exact position of the planet is unknown and has not been evaluated.
But by looking this article http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/0004-6256/151/2/22/pdf
the orbital elements and physical properties they used in one of their simulation looks like to be (page 9 second column)
[itex] m > 10 m_{earth} [/itex] mass
[itex] i = 30 ° [/itex] inclination, this would mean that the estimated trajectory is a great circle that is in the 30° angle to the celestial equator. But i don't know what is the direction of the perihelion, aphelion or ascending node?
[itex] e = 0.6 [/itex] eccentricity
[itex] a = 700 Au , b = 550 Au [/itex] semimajor axis and semiminor axis
[itex] ω = 150 ° [/itex] argument of perihelion (from what direction?)
but i don't know how to estimate error limits. Also the discussion section says that the analysis is not yet complete and other possibilities may not be excluded.
if i understood correctly, the exact position of the planet is unknown and has not been evaluated.
But by looking this article http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/0004-6256/151/2/22/pdf
the orbital elements and physical properties they used in one of their simulation looks like to be (page 9 second column)
[itex] m > 10 m_{earth} [/itex] mass
[itex] i = 30 ° [/itex] inclination, this would mean that the estimated trajectory is a great circle that is in the 30° angle to the celestial equator. But i don't know what is the direction of the perihelion, aphelion or ascending node?
[itex] e = 0.6 [/itex] eccentricity
[itex] a = 700 Au , b = 550 Au [/itex] semimajor axis and semiminor axis
[itex] ω = 150 ° [/itex] argument of perihelion (from what direction?)
but i don't know how to estimate error limits. Also the discussion section says that the analysis is not yet complete and other possibilities may not be excluded.
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