Thermally Stable Materials for Selective Oxygen Trapping and Manipulation

  • Thread starter physea
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In summary, the conversation discusses the search for a thermally stable material that can selectively gather oxygen from air. While many metals can react with oxygen and some liquids can dissolve oxygen, the speaker is specifically looking for a material that can move absorbed oxygen by applying an electric current. The suggested material for this is zirconia, often stabilized with another oxide, which is commonly used in automotive oxygen sensors and requires high temperatures for operation. The speaker also asks if it is possible for a metal to absorb and release oxygen through electric current.
  • #1

I am looking for a thermally stable material that will gather oxygen from air selectively.

I suppose many metals can do that? And oxidise? Or maybe liquids?

However, I want to apply an electrical current and either reverse the binding of oxygen or move the bound oxygen across the surface or the material itself.

Can you help me do this?

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  • #2
Many metals and non-metals can chemically react with oxygen in the air. Commercial oxygen absorbers contain just finely powdered iron.
Molten silver dissolves oxygen too.
However, if you want to move absorbed oxygen by applying electric current, you need oxygen ionic conductor.
The most common is zirconia, often stabilized with addition of another oxide. It is used in automotive oxygen sensors.
It requires high temperature for operation.
  • #3
Thanks Henry, very interesting.

Can we have a metal absorb oxygen and then release it by electric current?