Thinking about a calendar epoch based on the field of physics

  • #36
mitchell porter said:
Terence McKenna had a fractal calendar system based on the I Ching, the "Timewave", in which the final epoch began with the Trinity nuclear test and ended in December 2012. :-)
oh cool that's pretty interesting

and by the way what do you think of the epoch ideas, and there's also another one here:
tade said:
oh I see, thanks, and I think that you have quite a good idea there, and it can also be made into quite a specific calendar epoch @anorlunda

so i think that the idea can be the making of an operative scientific prediction which was proven correct, and the epoch would be the first known time in history that this occurred

and now the question would be, which one is the first known in history

some examples come to mind, though not necessarily the first known, such as Gell-Mann's prediction of the existence of quarks that hadrons were composites of, or Poisson's infamous prediction of the Poisson/Arago spot in 1818, though apparently it had already been discovered way earlier, and I think that Poisson's 1818 prediction wasn't the first known anyway
Physics news on
  • #37
pinball1970 said:
Dimocratus? Atoms? Also the guy who suggested a Helio not geocentric "Universe."

Edit: Aristarchus.
i'm also thinking that Eratosthenes might've made the first technical quantitative predictionand don't mind if i ask what do you think about these field of physics-based epoch ideas, there might be 3 different types so far

@Kevin the Kiwi and you too, hope I'm not bothering, thanks
  • #38
tade said:
what do you think about these field of physics-based epoch ideas

Asking for opinions on a date for a physics based calendar epoch has approximately the same utility as asking for opinions on whether all future scientific papers should be written in Klingon versus Yoda-speak. Because, after all, advertising how cool we think Star Trek or Star Wars are is a Good ThingTM. Everyone already knows that we are dorks. There is no need to prove it.

"50 ml of reactant into a beaker we decanted".

In my opinion, this thread is past due for closure. Probably before this posting.
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  • #39
jbriggs444 said:

Asking for opinions on a date for a physics based calendar epoch has approximately the same utility as asking for opinions on whether all future scientific papers should be written in Klingon versus Yoda-speak. Because, after all, advertising how cool we think Star Trek or Star Wars are is a Good ThingTM. Everyone already knows that we are dorks. There is no need to prove it.
oh man, i don't think this one's lame dorkiness, because, physics is the science of the fundamentals of the universe, reality and existence, and science is also a very important field to society

and also, think about the idea of a calendar epoch which is more culturally 'neutral' or universal
  • #40
Good grief. Are we still wasting time on this nonsense? I agree w/ @jbriggs444. This thread is past due for getting shut down.
  • #41
phinds said:
Good grief. Are we still wasting time on this nonsense?
oh, hang on, "nonsense"? , seems like that came out of left-field
  • #42
tade said:
oh, wait, "nonsense"? , seems like that came out of left-field
No, I think several of us have been saying that since the thread started. Would you prefer "total waste of time" to "nonsense" ?

Apparently you are oblivious to what people have been telling you.
  • #43
phinds said:
No, I think several of us have been saying that since the thread started.
Well, firstly, I think I have addressed their concerns. And, as for you, from what I'm aware of, our last conversation was my reply to you post #28
  • #44
tade said:
think about the idea of a calendar epoch which is more culturally 'neutral' or universal
Let's see what Randall Munroe has to say...
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  • #45
jbriggs444 said:
Let's see what Randall Munroe has to say...
oh i see, though I'm thinking, do you know of other epoch ideas related to universality, I know of the Holocene calendar epoch, not to be confused with the geological epoch
  • #47
tade said:
oh i see, though I'm thinking, do you know of other epoch ideas related to universality
We have the Gregorian calendar. We have the Chinese calendar. We have the Hebrew Calendar. We have the Julian calendar. We have the Modified Julian Date. We have the unix epoch. For those of us with a DEC background there was the VMS epoch (closely related to the Modified Julian Date). Apparently there is also an Islamic and an Indian calendar

[Tongue in cheek]Clearly we need a more universal calendar![/Tongue in cheek]
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  • #48
jbriggs444 said:
We have the Gregorian calendar. We have the Chinese calendar. We have the Hebrew Calendar. We have the Julian calendar. We have the Modified Julian Date. We have the unix epoch. For those of us with a DEC background there was the VMS epoch (closely related to the Modified Julian Date). Apparently there is also an Islamic and Indian calendar

[Tongue in cheek]Clearly we need a more universal calendar![/Tongue in cheek]
though i was referring to 'culturally 'neutral' or universal' for the population of the world at large
  • #49
I had a note on my Teams Calendar to close this thread now. Done.
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  • #50
berkeman said:
I had a note on my Teams Calendar to close this thread now. Done.
... reason:

- has nothing to do with physics, the same could be asked for any other science, too.
- there is no end to such a discussion, hence its justification lies in the discussion, not in an answer.
- there is never one single event that can be singled out in an epoch; Maxwell, Noether, Planck, and Einstein were all within 60 years.

Edit: All within Planck's lifetime!
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