UFO-Electromagnetic Levitation Demonstration

In summary, this video is about a way to create an alternating magnetic field, which can be used to levitate objects. There is some equipment needed, but it's not too complicated. The field is created by a coil of wire, and it is best if the coil is plugged into the wall. The field can be used to levitate objects, and it is possible to do it without the metal plate. There is a certain frequency which will create the strongest field.
  • #1
Can anyone help me understand what's happening in this video? Is it a total bamboozle, or is there anything to it?

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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It looks like normal magnetic levitation to me. Nothing particularly exciting about that.
  • #3
Just search youtube for magnetic levitation and you'll get some interesting vids. Also diamagnetic levitation is also quite interesting. Ever see a floating (or flying) frog?
  • #4
ranger said:
Ever see a floating (or flying) frog?

No, but I wouldn't mind it. I should check that out.
  • #5
Yeah, I've seen that floating frog. They used an extremely powerful magnetic field. Fascinating!
  • #7
Yup. That'd be it. The official website is here:
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  • #8
russ_watters said:
It looks like normal magnetic levitation to me. Nothing particularly exciting about that.

Well, sort of. The coil looks OK, but I can't see the stabilization. Is there something in that platform underneath? Or am I completely missing it?
  • #9
The coil creates a alternating magnetic field around it. This induces an opposing alternating magnetic field, from eddy currents, in the alluminum plate under the coil.

You can do it with a small coil of wire plugged directly into the wall, if the coil has the right reactance. To large a coil will be too heavy. To small a coil will melt. You need the metal plate and alluminum or copper is best.

Would be interesting to calculate how intense a field you would need to get enough inductive reaction from the air or vacuume. So you could do it without the metal plate.
  • #10
MrHayman said:
The coil creates a alternating magnetic field around it. This induces an opposing alternating magnetic field, from eddy currents, in the alluminum plate under the coil.

You can do it with a small coil of wire plugged directly into the wall, if the coil has the right reactance. To large a coil will be too heavy. To small a coil will melt. You need the metal plate and alluminum or copper is best.

Would be interesting to calculate how intense a field you would need to get enough inductive reaction from the air or vacuume. So you could do it without the metal plate.

This is the mechanism I've heard of before for this phenomenon. I'm sure the magnetic permeability of the metal plate and the AC frequency play a role. Is it just coincidence that 120 Hz is in the correct frequency range? What frequency would give you maximum efficiency?
  • #11
It just easiest to plug it right into the wall. You wind the coil to get maximum current, without melting the coil or blowing the breaker. I would hazard a guess there is a certain frequency which would maximize the distance. There has got to be a paper somewhere that has experimented with all the variables?

You can do the opposite as well, floating an aluminum plate or bowl over top of a strong AC electromagnet.

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FAQ: UFO-Electromagnetic Levitation Demonstration

What is "UFO-Electromagnetic Levitation Demonstration"?

"UFO-Electromagnetic Levitation Demonstration" is a scientific experiment that demonstrates the principles of electromagnetic levitation by using a UFO-shaped object as the levitating device.

How does electromagnetic levitation work?

Electromagnetic levitation is achieved by using opposing magnetic fields to counteract the force of gravity on an object. This is possible because of the properties of magnets and electricity.

What materials are needed for the "UFO-Electromagnetic Levitation Demonstration"?

The materials needed for this demonstration include a UFO-shaped object, a strong magnet, a power source, and a conductive material such as copper wire.

What can be learned from this demonstration?

This demonstration can help to illustrate the principles of electromagnetic levitation and how it can be used in real-world applications, such as in maglev trains and other transportation systems.

What safety precautions should be taken when conducting this demonstration?

It is important to handle magnets with caution and keep them away from electronic devices and pacemakers. Additionally, always follow proper electrical safety protocols when working with a power source.
