Unravelling the Mystery of "Faint Regime" in Cosmological Explosions

In summary, the "faint regime" is a type of cosmological explosion that occurs in distant galaxies and is fainter than other types of explosions. The exact cause is still unknown, but it is believed to be related to the composition and environment of the exploding star. Scientists study the faint regime using telescopes, instruments, and computer simulations. Unraveling this mystery could provide insights into galaxy evolution and improve our ability to predict and characterize different types of explosions. Recent advancements have led to a better understanding, but the mystery remains unsolved.
  • #1
What do they mean with "faint regime", when they talk about cosmological explosions?? (e.g X-ray flashes)

Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
I have no idea, can you give us a link to the paper you are reading? I'm guessing they're speaking of objects that are far away and therefore aren't very bright (i.e. low flux). Though it's also possible they're referring to some technical class of objects that are intrinsically faint (i.e. low luminosity).