Why does Pluto revolve clockwise

  • Thread starter Saleh0003
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In summary, Pluto has an opposite revolving direction (clockwise) compared to the other planets in our solar system. It is also tilted at close to 90 degrees and orbits away from the plane of the solar system. These anomalies are believed to be the result of early planetary collisions and gravitational interactions. Pluto may have also been a moon of Neptune at one point. The book should be reviewed for more information on Venus and Uranus.
  • #1
Why the pluto have opposite revolving direction (clockwise) opposite to all other planets of our solar system?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Saleh0003 said:
opposite to all other planets of our solar system
Are you certain?
  • #3
It's more like rotating on it's side. (tilted at close to 90 degrees), as compared with most other planets - which also is the case with Uranus.
(Venus however does rotate in the opposite direction to most planets.)
Pluto also orbits well away from the plane of the solar system which the other planets are close to.

It's generally thought that these anomolies result from gravitational interactions and possibly collisions of early planetary bodies before things settled down into the pattern we have today.
There probably were additional large bodies in the earliest times of the solar system's formation, and a collision of one of these with Earth is the most widely accepted theory of how the Earth acquired a single Moon which is relatively very large compared with other planets which have multiple much smaller moons.
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  • #4
Pluto probably didn't form the way the planets did (note: Pluto is not a planet any more). It could have been a moon of Neptune once.
  • #5
Bystander said:
Are you certain?
i think that i have studied it in any book
  • #6
Saleh0003 said:
i think that i have studied it in any book

I'm afraid that the "any" doesn't make sense here, but I think you should look at this book again. What does it say about Venus? About Uranus?

FAQ: Why does Pluto revolve clockwise

Why does Pluto revolve clockwise?

Pluto's clockwise rotation is believed to be due to a collision with another object early in its history, which caused a change in its rotational axis.

Is Pluto the only planet that rotates clockwise?

No, Venus also rotates clockwise, but it is often referred to as a "retrograde" rotation because it is opposite to the direction of most other planets' rotations.

How long does it take for Pluto to complete one rotation?

Pluto takes approximately 6.4 Earth days to complete one rotation.

Does Pluto's orbit also revolve clockwise?

Yes, Pluto's orbit is also clockwise, as it follows the same direction as its rotation.

Could the direction of Pluto's rotation change in the future?

It is possible for the direction of Pluto's rotation to change in the future, as it has been observed in other objects in the solar system. However, it is not expected to happen anytime soon due to its small size and distance from other large objects that could cause a collision.
