Recent content by andyrk

  1. andyrk

    Heterolytic and Homolytic Cleavage

    When heterolytic cleavage occurs, an anion and a cation are formed. Why don't they get attracted towards each other to form an ionic bond? And does this cleavage occur in an aqueous solution or just by itself? Similarly, when homolytic cleavage occurs, none of the atoms produced have a complete...
  2. andyrk

    Gear Ratio in Bicycles using Rotational Motion

    No I can understand it by drawing the FBD. But I am studying this just for fun and I am lazy, so I don't want to bother with FBD and instead understand it just by discussion. But if that won't make me understand this completely, then I would have no other option than to draw the FBD. But I am...
  3. andyrk

    Gear Ratio in Bicycles using Rotational Motion

    Why should two gears connected by the same chain rotate with the same torque?
  4. andyrk

    Gear Ratio in Bicycles using Rotational Motion

    Yes I know it becomes tougher or easier. But how do you relate it to circular motion and what part of circular motion would it use? Torque? The relation between angular velocity and tangential velocity? What?
  5. andyrk

    Gear Ratio in Bicycles using Rotational Motion

    I don't understand how the fact that it becomes harder or easier to pedal, can be explained by physics.
  6. andyrk

    Gear Ratio in Bicycles using Rotational Motion

    What does it have to do with physics?
  7. andyrk

    Gear Ratio in Bicycles using Rotational Motion

    Also, when we change gears, why does it become easier to pedal(less effort, pedals feel lighter) or difficult to pedal (more effort, pedals feel heavier), depending on the gear we shifted to? Does this have any physics related to it?
  8. andyrk

    Understanding the Relationship Between a Compressed Spring and Attached Wall

    I think its problematic for me because it isn't as flexible as maths/programming. I am programmer/mathematician by field of study. Physics doesn't have that much creative potential in it.
  9. andyrk

    Understanding the Relationship Between a Compressed Spring and Attached Wall

    Also I was just thinking, does science come naturally to those who are good at it? Like I have been doing this for the past 3 years now and I don't enjoy doing this much and have to put a lot of effort to get things clear. But that's not the case with everyone right? Ofcourse I have gotten...
  10. andyrk

    Understanding the Relationship Between a Compressed Spring and Attached Wall

    Everyone has written such complicated replies. I was simply saying that if the spring is mass-less, then unequal forces at its two ends can never lead to any compression/expansion of the spring. Why is this true?
  11. andyrk

    Understanding the Relationship Between a Compressed Spring and Attached Wall

    Yeah. So what I am saying is, what makes the forces on the two hands equal? If they weren't the spring would accelerate and not extend or compress. But why can't it compress/extend while still having unequal forces at both the ends?
  12. andyrk

    Understanding the Relationship Between a Compressed Spring and Attached Wall

    How will you explain both hands experiencing the same force with Newton's Laws?
  13. andyrk

    Understanding the Relationship Between a Compressed Spring and Attached Wall

    Yeah. So maybe the book I have does the same thing. But I think this should have been stated to make things clear from the very beginning.