Recent content by JimmyRay

  1. J

    Darwin & Mendel: A Historical Comparison

    If Darvin knew about genetics or even about what mendel was researching, how do you think it would have changed his theories?
  2. J

    What is the biological definition for survival?

    What is the biological definition for survival? What does an organism need to survive?
  3. J

    Truss Bridges: Strength Explained

    What makes truss bridges so strong? Like if you have something supported by triangles, why is it good? I don't really understand the physics behind it.
  4. J

    Insulin & Glucagon: Negative Feedback for Blood Sugar

    Hi, I want to know how the Insulin/Glucagon hormones act as negative feedback. Blood sugar goes up, insulin is created, blood sugar goes down, glucagon is created, blood sugar goes up again, and they basically compete with each other to maintain homeostasis, right? But how is this negative...
  5. J

    Humans and Species Evolution: Is Our Influence Fair?

    okay thanks for replying everyone... I guess the question is more ethical... In a biological sense, it's all about survival, but its not like humans are only JUST survivng. They are impacting the course of evolution for many species but its not necessary (for pure survival). What I'm trying...
  6. J

    Humans and Species Evolution: Is Our Influence Fair?

    Humans have a big influence on the evolution process of many species. Do you think they should? Is this fair?
  7. J

    Biology post-glomular blood question

    Okay I handed in the assignment already, I THINK I figured it out... here's what I put... Basically I said the post glomerular blood goes through a second capilllary bed before it connects to the vein system. In that capillary bed there might have been some more water absorbed therefore the...
  8. J

    Biology post-glomular blood question

    We are learning the excretory system, and are given a thinking assignment. Okay so we are given a bunch of values for concentration of the substances in the kidney. Basically the post-glomular blood (blood after being filtered by glomerulus) has a little more protien concentration than the...
  9. J

    Bacteria: Magnetite Crystals, Movement & Earth's Magnetic Field

    Ohh I see...thats pretty cool, actually that question just came up in physics class lol, we're studying electricity and magnetism I just wanted some more insight... I'll check out the thread though thanks...
  10. J

    Bacteria: Magnetite Crystals, Movement & Earth's Magnetic Field

    What do magnetite crystals found in some bacteria exactly do? I heard it helps them move around but, how would that work? Can they not move on their own? Are they always only affected by the Earth's magnetic field?
  11. J

    How would this work (electricity question)

    Ohhh okay that makes sense. lol I don't know why i didnt see that, thanks.
  12. J

    How would this work (electricity question)

    A machine that un-ionizes the air in your home. How would it remove particles that have charge out of the air?
  13. J

    Gene Manipulation: Potential Positive and Negative Impacts

    In the future ...would the impact of gene manipulation be positive or negative? If there are limits to the way the technology is used, it would be positive right? We could cure a lot of diseases...
  14. J

    How much of our life is in our minds

    Ohh I see... so basically this type of geometry is not consistant? Also, is gravity an axiom, or a proof? Because, it's self-evident but there's nothing to assume...I can see how the number 1 is an axiom because you have to assume it exists since it's abstract... But what about gravity? It is...
  15. J

    How much of our life is in our minds

    lol... okay I understand the axioms... Whats Euclidean geometry :( .