Recent content by student1938

  1. S

    Explain Tunneling Paradox: Quantum Particle & V_0 Barrier

    So it is the probability density right? Cause that is what I want. If it isn't then how different would it be? student
  2. S

    Explain Tunneling Paradox: Quantum Particle & V_0 Barrier

    Can you explain to me again, why what I have drawn is not the wavefunction but the probability density? I think it might be the wavefunction...I am still confused. I think it should be the continuation of exponential decay when the wave emerges from the barrier for E < V and for E > V, I think...
  3. S

    Explain Tunneling Paradox: Quantum Particle & V_0 Barrier

    So something like this where the amplitude of the transmitted wave is reduced...its intensity is reduced.
  4. S

    Explain Tunneling Paradox: Quantum Particle & V_0 Barrier

    Like this? Also, just wana clarify something, I know I am probably being pedantic but anyways...Is 50 % transmission is the same as R = T = 0.5? Cause the question asks for the probability density sketches for 50% transmission. I think 50% transmission is the same as R = T = 0.5...
  5. S

    Quantum mechanics in DIRAC notation

    This is the quantum harmonic oscillator where \hat a\dagger and \hat a are the step down and step up (SOMETIMES CALLED LADDER) operators according to your definitions. Correction: I think you meant to say \hat N = \hat a\dagger \hat a
  6. S

    Explain Tunneling Paradox: Quantum Particle & V_0 Barrier

    So would the probability density look like this? The transmitted wave and reflected waves have a reduced amplitude...i.e. they are 1/2 of the original amplitude (incident amplitude). This is the plot of the probability density. Does it make sense? Looking forward to hearing from you soon...
  7. S

    Explain Tunneling Paradox: Quantum Particle & V_0 Barrier

    Consider a Quantum Mechanical particle approaching a barrier (potential) of height V_0 and width a. What will the sketch of the probability density look like if there is a 50% chance of reflection and a 50% chance of transmission? Can you explain why cause after reading Griffith' s Quantum...
  8. S

    LaTeX Graph & Picture in LaTeX: Sin(x) Example

    How do I plot graphs in LaTeX? Example sin(x) to begin with. :frown: Also, how do I insert pictures in LaTeX? Example, simple circuit diagrams. student :confused:
  9. S

    Understanding Diode Output Waveform Reversal

    Can you explain to me step by step how I would go about reasoning as to what it should look like?
  10. S

    Understanding Diode Output Waveform Reversal

    I have done clamping, clipping, half wave rectifier and full wave rectifier circuits. For the diagram, I think it is a cos wave with amplitude 10 V but have no idea why. I am genuinely lost here. student
  11. S

    Understanding Diode Output Waveform Reversal

    Sketch the output voltage as a function of time. The AC voltage source is V_{o}cos(\omega)t with V_{o} = 10V and \omega = 2000rad/sec. I have posted a diode circuit question in the attachment Ok, I think it should be a sine curve with a 10 V amplitude but am not too sure about the period...
  12. S

    Fourier integral / transform ? What is it really?

    If i multiple both sides by exp(-ik'x) the LHS gives exp(-ik'x-(x/2a)^2). I' m not sure what to do with this to simplify it further. Do i have to try to complete the square in this exponential now?
  13. S

    Calculation of Excitation potentialfrom I-V curve

    Plot distance along x-axis versus peak number. calculate the slope using the method of least squares. Plot distance from 0th peak versus peak number. Calculate the slope as before. The ratio of the slopes gives the excitation potential. There is another method using the current just before...
  14. S

    Fourier integral / transform ? What is it really?

    Find phi(k) I need help with this question as far as what am I looking for and how do I use a Fourier transform cause I think I need one. student