A very simple question about antimatter and E=mcc

  • Thread starter KiwiKid
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  • #1
My question is simple: suppose that I have X kg of matter and an equal amount of antimatter, would *both* produce Xc^2 amount of energy upon annihilation, resulting in a total of E=2Xc^2? In other words, would the antimatter 'count'? (So if I take 1 kg of matter and 1 kg of antimatter, I would get 2c^2 J of energy?)It seems obvious to me, but I don't want to make a simple mistake - not yet knowing all the details about antimatter and stuff - and screw up my calculations.
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  • #2
All the mass (matter plus antimatter) gets converted to energy. Simplest example: positron + electron. Each have mass of 511 kev. Output is 2 511 kev photons.
  • #3
mathman said:
All the mass (matter plus antimatter) gets converted to energy. Simplest example: positron + electron. Each have mass of 511 kev. Output is 2 511 kev photons.

Thank you. That answered my question. :smile:

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