Calculating Nails: How Many Nails Are in the Picture?

  • Thread starter jleo313
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In summary, we can estimate that there are between 1,000 and 100,000 nails in the picture, including expected but not visible nails. However, the uncertainty can be reduced by having a student help count the nails. Another approximation technique suggests that there may be around 1,600 nails, but the original question was unclear about the type of nails.
  • #1
How many nails are in the picture? How did you arrive at this solution?


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  • #2
jleo313 said:
How many nails are in the picture?


How did you arrive at this solution?

I guessed
  • #3
Excellent guess. :)
  • #4
amount of nails < infinity
  • #5
Including expected, but not visible nails, between 1 000 and 100 000.
The remaining uncertainty can be reduced by a [insert your favorite useless education here] student, ...
...weighting them (and a few individual nails). You don't want to wait until he counted them, right?
  • #6
jleo313 said:
How many nails are in the picture?
How did you arrive at this solution?
That looks like about 5 pounds of 2" common nails, so 800-900 nails, depending on the manufacturer.
  • #7
answer is zero nails. since op was asking for human nails. end thread/
  • #8
best bet is 1600. Please count it!
  • #9
Don't you just hate these post and run kind of brain teasers?

It's been two weeks since the person who posted the question last came back to the site.
  • #10
I DON'T KNOW. However I will try a stupid approximation technique:

Let N be the number of nails ,
V be the average volume of the nail bulk, and u be the average volume of a single nail (at different orientations). Let l be the length of a single nail. Exclude the empty spaces between the nails!

Identify the average shape of the nail bulk. Find u with respect to l (I.e. u = f(l) ). Find V with respect to l (I.e. V = g(l) ).

Now Nu = V, so N = (V/u) = g(l)/f(l)

FAQ: Calculating Nails: How Many Nails Are in the Picture?

How many nails are in the picture?

The number of nails in a picture can vary depending on the size and complexity of the picture. It is difficult to give an exact number without seeing the specific picture in question.

Why is the number of nails in a picture important?

The number of nails in a picture can be important for several reasons. It can indicate the level of detail and intricacy in the picture, and it can also give insight into the skill and technique of the artist.

Can the number of nails in a picture affect its value?

In some cases, the number of nails in a picture can affect its value. For example, a painting with a larger number of nails may be considered more valuable due to the amount of time and effort required to create it.

How can I determine the number of nails in a picture?

The best way to determine the number of nails in a picture is to closely examine the picture and count them. You may also be able to find information about the number of nails in a picture by researching the artist or the specific painting.

Is there a specific significance to the number of nails in a picture?

In most cases, the number of nails in a picture does not hold any specific significance. However, some artists may intentionally use a specific number of nails for symbolic or aesthetic purposes.
