Calculating the height of a geostationary satellite of Earth

In summary, to calculate the height of a geo-stationary satellite of Earth, one must use the equation GM/r=v^2, where G is the gravitational force of Earth, M is the mass of Earth, r is the radius of Earth, and v is the velocity of the satellite. The time it takes for one orbit of the satellite must be equal to the time it takes for one rotation of Earth, and this relationship can be expressed as 2πr/v. Therefore, the equation for calculating the radius of the satellite's orbit is r= (GM/v^2)^1/3.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Calculate the height of a geo-stationary satellite of earth.

Gravitational force of earth=6.667 x 10^-11 nm^2/kgm^2
Mass of earth=6x10^24 kgm
Radius of earth=6400 km

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I plugged everything into the equation and got 53,583.6 for r. Then since I need only height of the satellite to earth, I subtracted 6400 km from 53,583.6 and I got 47,183 for h. However, my professor said the answer for r should be around 36,000 km. Here is what I did.


From multiplying, I got 4x10^14/r=7464960000

From this, I got r=53,583.6
Then h=47,183.

Are my calculations incorrect?
Physics news on
  • #2
Looks to me like you calculated the number of seconds in a day and set that as a velocity in m/s. Have I misunderstood your working?
  • #3
haruspex said:
Looks to me like you calculated the number of seconds in a day and set that as a velocity in m/s. Have I misunderstood your working?
I just realized that as well. I can't believe I've been staring at this problem for half an hour without seeing this. Thanks
  • #4
kokodile said:
I just realized that as well. I can't believe I've been staring at this problem for half an hour without seeing this. Thanks
That's why it's important to carry the units through your calculations. If you don't know what the numbers represent, how can anyone else know?
  • #5
Thansk everyone
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  • #6
haruspex said:
Looks to me like you calculated the number of seconds in a day and set that as a velocity in m/s. Have I misunderstood your working?

I still can't figure this problem out. If I need to find the velocity to calculate r, how can I do that when I need r to calculate velocity?
  • #7
kokodile said:
I still can't figure this problem out. If I need to find the velocity to calculate r, how can I do that when I need r to calculate velocity?
How are the radius and velocity related for a geostationary satellite?
  • #8
haruspex said:
How are the radius and velocity related for a geostationary satellite?

Well the larger the radius, the smaller the velocity of the satellite will be.
  • #9
kokodile said:
Well the larger the radius, the smaller the velocity of the satellite will be.
And yet remain geostationary?
  • #10
haruspex said:
And yet remain geostationary?
Yes. So it has the same velocity as Earth. But I'm still confused as to how to find the velocity of earth. Even if I use the equation 2pir/T, I get .465 m/s. And when I plug that into the equation GM/r=v^2, I get a very large number that must be incorect.
  • #11
kokodile said:
So it has the same velocity as Earth.
No, not the same velocity. What must be the same?
  • #12
haruspex said:
No, not the same velocity. What must be the same?
The time it takes for one orbit?
  • #13
kokodile said:
The time it takes for one orbit?
Well, not quite right. The time for one orbit of the satellite must equal what?
From that, write an equation relating radius of orbit to velocity.

FAQ: Calculating the height of a geostationary satellite of Earth

How do you calculate the height of a geostationary satellite?

The height of a geostationary satellite can be calculated using the formula h = (G*M*T^2)/(4*pi^2)^(1/3), where h is the height of the satellite, G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the Earth, and T is the orbital period of the satellite.

What is a geostationary satellite?

A geostationary satellite is a satellite that orbits the Earth at the same speed and in the same direction as the Earth's rotation. This allows the satellite to appear stationary in the sky from a specific location on Earth.

Why is it important to calculate the height of a geostationary satellite?

Calculating the height of a geostationary satellite is important for determining its orbit and ensuring that it remains in a geostationary position. It is also necessary for accurately communicating with and tracking the satellite.

What factors affect the height of a geostationary satellite?

The height of a geostationary satellite is primarily affected by the mass of the Earth and the gravitational constant. Additionally, the satellite's orbital period and velocity can also have an impact on its height.

Can the height of a geostationary satellite change over time?

Yes, the height of a geostationary satellite can change over time due to factors such as atmospheric drag, solar radiation pressure, and gravitational perturbations from other objects in space. However, these changes are usually small and can be adjusted for by making small orbital corrections.
