Calculating the surface tension using the method of Lecomt de Nouy

  • #1
Homework Statement
The surface tension can be determined using the Lecomte De Noüy ring method. The mass of the ring is m = 4.9 g and the diameter d = 64.1 mm. The tensile force just before tearing is in water at 25 ° C is F = 0,089 N. Calculate the surface tention
Relevant Equations
y = F/4*pi*r
Hello! I am having unexpected difficulties with this problem.A friend showed me an article regarding the Lecomde ring method,and at the bottom was this little problem that to solve.I've done it like this.

$$ y = \frac{F}{4\pi r} $$ where F is the given force and r is = 0,0325 in meters. The value I get is y = 0,22 N/m. But according to the solutions this is wrong,the right solution should be y = 0,1016 N/m.I highly doubt they are wrong,which means I made a mistake somewhere but I don't see where.The only formula that appered in the article was this and the usual surface tension.What am I i missing here.Thank you!
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  • #2
You are given the mass of the ring. Does the force you are given include the weight of the ring?
  • #3
arhzz said:
Homework Statement:: The surface tension can be determined using the Lecomte De Noüy ring method. The mass of the ring is m = 4.9 g and the diameter d = 64.1 mm. The tensile force just before tearing is in water at 25 ° C is F = 0,089 N. Calculate the surface tention
Relevant Equations:: y = F/4*pi*r

What am I i missing here.
You are misinterpreting the formula. The one here gives the expected answer and explains how the terms are put together.
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  • #4
Okay so I've tried using the formula where the mass of the ring is take into account.

$$ F = m + 4
\pi * r * y $$

If I try to get y out of this it should look like this; $$ y =
\pi r} $$

But I still do not get the wanted result.
  • #5
The weight is ##mg## not ##m##.
  • #6
kuruman said:
The weight is ##mg## not ##m##.
Ohh,it said wait not mass,my bad I didnt read carefully.Now I get the right result,sorry for the silly mistake and thank you for your help!