Can I Get Into U of T Engineering Science with My Grades?

In summary, the speaker is interested in applying to engineering science at the University of Toronto and is wondering about their chances of getting in. They had a lower average in grade 11 due to lack of motivation, but plan to improve in grade 12 by taking harder courses and dropping their lowest grades. They also mention taking AP courses and attending a school known for its academic rigor. They ask if the university will take these factors into account and if EngSci is as difficult as people say it is. The expert summarizer advises that the speaker will likely be competitive with their grades and school reputation, and that the hardest part of EngSci is managing the workload. They also mention that some EngScis have a tendency to boast about the program's
  • #1
I would like to apply to engineering science at the University of Toronto and I was wondering if had a chance of getting in. I'm going into grade 12 next year and my marks were not very good this year due to some circumstances.In grade 11 my average was 85% which was low because I was taking some courses I had no motivation to do well in at all.

I'm pretty confident though that I gan get into the low 90's next year because I'm learning my "hard" courses during the summer. Does admissions consider grade 11 marks? If they do how much weight do they carry?

I've already taken 3 grade 12 courses and will take 6 more for a total of 9. This way I can drop my lowest 3. So far I've taken advanced functions (92%), Earth & Space Sciences (95%) and Biology (haven't gotten my mark back yet but I suspect it is high).

Next year I'll take AP Physics and AP Calculus (two out of my 3 "hard" courses (3rd being chem) also I'm learning these two in the summer). Will the university take into account that I took AP?

Also I go to a school notorious for being harder in the academics department than regular public or private schools. I live just outside of toronto.

One last question (sorry it's so long), is it EngSci really as hard as everyone says it is?

Thank you
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  • #2
EngSci 1T3 here. I'm not sure exactly how admissions works, but I am sure that you will be at least somewhat competitive to get in. Entrance averages are typically low 90s, so if you can get low 90s, especially at a hard school, then you should be fine.

Do you know anyone else from your school that has gotten into EngSci? If you live just outside of Toronto then chances are EngSci may know the school and would consider whether it is harder. I don't know whether or not they consider AP or not. However, AP is probably a lot more difficult than the calculus and physics I took in high school.

Hardest thing about EngSci is the workload. Once you learn proper time management skills you will probably get by just fine. EngSci tends to pile a lot of courses on you with a lot of labs which take up quite a bit of time. Other than that, the difficulty is definitely not overly hard. I find a lot of EngScis have this huge ego about how hard the program is and that all other science programs are super easy. Then they think this is grounds to brag about the difficulty when they do well and then complain a lot when they don't do so well.

FAQ: Can I Get Into U of T Engineering Science with My Grades?

1. What are the requirements for applying to engineering science programs?

The specific requirements for applying to engineering science programs may vary depending on the university or program. However, in general, applicants are expected to have a strong background in math and science, including courses in calculus, physics, and chemistry. Additionally, many programs may also require applicants to have completed advanced courses in engineering or computer science.

2. Is work experience necessary for applying to engineering science programs?

Work experience is not always necessary for applying to engineering science programs, but it can be beneficial. Many programs value applicants who have real-world experience in engineering or related fields, as it demonstrates practical skills and knowledge. However, work experience is not always a requirement and students can still be accepted into programs without it.

3. Are there any specific skills or qualities that engineering science programs look for in applicants?

In addition to a strong academic background, engineering science programs may also look for certain skills and qualities in applicants. These may include problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities, attention to detail, and creativity. Additionally, having strong communication and teamwork skills can also be advantageous for students pursuing a career in engineering science.

4. Can I apply to multiple engineering science programs at the same time?

Yes, you can apply to multiple engineering science programs at the same time. However, it is important to carefully consider each program and make sure that it aligns with your academic and career goals. It is also important to keep track of application deadlines and requirements for each program.

5. How can I make my application stand out to be accepted into an engineering science program?

There are several ways to make your application stand out when applying to engineering science programs. Firstly, make sure to have a strong academic record and take challenging courses in math and science. Additionally, highlighting any relevant work experience, extracurricular activities, or research projects can also make your application more competitive. Lastly, crafting a well-written personal statement and obtaining strong letters of recommendation can also help make your application stand out to admissions committees.

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