Can we make reactions more diverse with additional emojis?

  • Thread starter etotheipi
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  • #1
How easy would it be to add a few more emojis to the current set of reactions? The "like" emoji especially seems overloaded, it could mean any of "I like this.", "I agree with this.", "this is correct.", "point taken.", "this is interesting.", "this is wholesome.", "thank you", et cetera.
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  • #2
First thing I'd want to check is the experience on mobile
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  • #3
Here's my suggestion for the new set of emojis, take it or leave it:

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  • #4
etotheipi said:
Here's my suggestion for the new set of emojis, take it or leave it:

View attachment 280817
I'm not quite sure what "emotion" some of these faces are supposed to express.
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  • #5
S.G. Janssens said:
I'm not quite sure what "emotion" some of these faces are supposed to express.
Well, this one means "Are you bleeping kidding me?"


(My wife makes me watch his shows all the time...)
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  • #6
The current set of them for physicsforums is good but maybe more would be better, to express other ways in which a member likes or might not like.
  • #7
For me, there are just two emoticons/responses I often miss from the options:

Fortunately, on this forum the latter is not that frequently needed and that's a great thing :smile:
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  • #8
Maybe :doh:
and :oldsurprised:
  • #9
Vanadium 50 said:
Maybe :doh:
and :oldsurprised:
Rive said:
For me, there are just two emoticons/responses I often miss from the options:
View attachment 280914 and View attachment 280913
Fortunately, on this forum the latter is not that frequently needed and that's a great thing :smile:
Vanadium 50 said:
Maybe :doh:
and :oldsurprised:
This gets confusing. We see an emoji, but some of them have unfigurable meaning. To me, I feel the need to ask, "What the hkcle are you trying to say?" and "Say what you mean! I do not understand that face expression!"

The current set of emojis, while very few, are mostly clear enough.

("hkcle" is my way there of saying something of a cursing nature but just extremely misspelled.)
  • #10
berkeman said:
My wife makes me watch [Gordon Ramsay's] shows all the time...
Why?? Does she really want you to act more like him?
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  • #11
S.G. Janssens said:
I'm not quite sure what "emotion" some of these faces are supposed to express.
I agree. I think we should just keep what have now.
  • #12
I would like a question mark (?).
Or a "huh?".
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  • #13
BillTre said:
I would like a question mark (?).
Or a "huh?".

Huh? :oldconfused:

Edit: Hey! Why are the tops of the question marks in the emoji above being cut off? :oldgrumpy:
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  • #14
strangerep said:
Huh? :oldconfused:

Edit: Hey! Why are the tops of the question marks in the emoji above being cut off? :oldgrumpy:
Probably you are on an old browser/OS. How does LaTeX look to you? The tops and bottoms of integrals look cut off to me on Windows Vista on my old work PC...
  • #15
berkeman said:
Probably you are on an old browser/OS.
No -- everything is up to date on my computer. This problem has only started happening very recently.

berkeman said:
How does LaTeX look to you? The tops and bottoms of integrals look cut off to me on Windows Vista on my old work PC..
Integrals look fine to me. $$\int_{x_1}^{x_2} f(x) dx ~.$$

(But now there is no "preview" button when composing replies.)
  • #16
All images since before PF5, I think, are shown in rounded rectangles (have a look at the random photos thread in General Discussion for some examples), which looks nice with large images but slightly messes up small images that aren't circular - such as some emoji that aren't just faces. Perhaps @berkeman's issue stems from MathJax rendering maths as images in older browsers?
strangerep said:
(But now there is no "preview" button when composing replies.)
Top right icon (magnifying glass over a page) toggles preview/edit mode.
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  • #17
An angry reaction emoji also seems necessary to me in the recent days.
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  • #18
Wrichik Basu said:
An angry reaction emoji also seems necessary to me in the recent days.
:oldgrumpy: angry enough? :devil:
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  • #19
dlgoff said:
:oldgrumpy: angry enough? :devil:
Yeah, but quoting a post only to reply with an angry emoji doesn't make much sense.
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  • #20
Wrichik Basu said:
Yeah, but quoting a post only to reply with an angry emoji doesn't make much sense.
That makes sense but at the same time I think the possible reactions are intentionally limited to prevent offense and escalation.
I have some 'classics' I loved way back on other forums, like 'complaint':

or the 'banghead' I've already mentioned before:

But part of the reason why these are rarely needed is that they are not there. And I'm OK with that o0)
  • #21
Rive said:
I have some 'classics' I loved way back on other forums, like 'complaint': View attachment 281953
or the 'banghead' I've already mentioned before: View attachment 281955
But part of the reason why these are rarely needed is that they are not there. [...]
Huh? 'Banghead' is here (or have you been banging your head too much lately?). :oldbiggrin:
  • #22
strangerep said:
'Banghead' is here
Not as reaction:headbang:
  • #23
Rive said:
Not as reaction :headbang:
Oh, but we definitely need a "groan" reaction emoji more.

Imho, it would be the most-used reaction in the various joke forums. :oldbiggrin:
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  • #24
strangerep said:
it would be the most-used reaction in the various joke forums

Can we get a rimshot emoji? For example...

"Hear the one about the restaurant on the moon? Good food...but no atmosphere." <rimshot>
  • #25
Thank you. I'll be here all week.
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  • #26
Vanadium 50 said:
Can we get a rimshot emoji? For example...

"Hear the one about the restaurant on the moon? Good food...but no atmosphere." <rimshot>
Two elephants and a cymbalist fell off a cliff. Ba-doom tish!
  • #27
(Sigh.) All right people. Move along now. These reaction posts to the reaction emoji thread need to be teleported over into the Lame Jokes thread. (Cartman+:sat:)

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