- #1
- 11
- 0
- Homework Statement
- Consider a system made of an ideal gas (N particles) in a box ##L^2 (z_2 - z_1)##. The gas is affected by a gravitational potential directed along ##- \hat z##, and finds itself at equilibrium with a Heath Bath at T. Find:
1 The partition function for the gas
2 The mean energy and Helmoltz function A
3 The position of the center of mass of the gas
4 The force applied on the bottom and top part of the box containing the gas
- Relevant Equations
- $$Z = \frac{1}{h^{3N}} \int exp(-\beta \mathcal{H}) dp dq$$
$$\langle E \rangle = - \frac{ \partial (\ln(Z)) }{\partial \beta},$$
$$ A = -k_{B}T \ln(Z)$$
Hi everyone,
this is my first message after presentation so please be merciful if the notation is somewhat messy. Here's my attempt at a solution:
As for points 1) and 2) I used the definition of partition function
$$Z = \frac{1}{h^{3N}} \int e^{-\beta \mathcal{H}} d^3p d^3q$$
and the fact that
$$\langle E \rangle = - \frac{ \partial (\ln(Z)) }{\partial \beta},$$
$$ A = -k_{B}T \ln(Z)$$
As for point 3) I have exploited the fact that ## \langle E \rangle = \mathcal{H} ## and solved for the position ##q##.
I now need to address 4) and my first thought would have been to find the pressure ##P## and to divide it by the surface of the box which I know to be ##L^2##. Beeing an ideal gas ##P## should be ##\frac{ \partial E }{\partial V}##. My issue here beeing that I cannot derive by the volume because it does not appear in the solution I found for the ##\langle E \rangle##. I am wrapping my head around this problem and I really don't know how to proceed.
this is my first message after presentation so please be merciful if the notation is somewhat messy. Here's my attempt at a solution:
As for points 1) and 2) I used the definition of partition function
$$Z = \frac{1}{h^{3N}} \int e^{-\beta \mathcal{H}} d^3p d^3q$$
and the fact that
$$\langle E \rangle = - \frac{ \partial (\ln(Z)) }{\partial \beta},$$
$$ A = -k_{B}T \ln(Z)$$
As for point 3) I have exploited the fact that ## \langle E \rangle = \mathcal{H} ## and solved for the position ##q##.
I now need to address 4) and my first thought would have been to find the pressure ##P## and to divide it by the surface of the box which I know to be ##L^2##. Beeing an ideal gas ##P## should be ##\frac{ \partial E }{\partial V}##. My issue here beeing that I cannot derive by the volume because it does not appear in the solution I found for the ##\langle E \rangle##. I am wrapping my head around this problem and I really don't know how to proceed.