Chemical reaction equation, historical question

In summary, the equality sign was abandoned in 1884 because chemical reaction equations are not mathematical equations and there is no equality in the equation in mathematical sense.
  • #1
I am reading a chemistry book printed in 1805. The chemical reaction equations are written using the equality symbol = instead of the arrow →, which is used in modern times.
Anyway sometimes it is still possible to see the "old fashioned" way:

Does anyone know why the equality symbol was abandoned, and when did it happen
in the history of chemistry? Are there reasons why this change was needed?
I know only a little about chemistry, I think this is a very basic question, but I cannot
seem to find the complete solution myself. I can think that maybe the = was replaced by → because chemical reaction equations are not mathematical equations, there is no equality
in the equation in mathematical sense.

If the chemical equations are not mathematics, then why the addition symbol + has not
been replaced by something else? The addition is a mathematical operation, so should
it be understood to mean also a chemical reaction? Something is added into something
else, perhaps this is an universal concept applicable not just in mathematics.
Chemistry news on
  • #2
An arrow indicates direction, whereas an equality sign does not.
  • #3
As long as a reaction is not in equilibrium, the reaction proceeds in one or the other direction. Hence it is more convenient to use arrows. In some situations, it is also necessary to distinguish formally between reactands and products, e.g. in calculating the potential of a electrochemical half cell, you divide by convention the product of the concentration of the products by that of the reactands.
  • #4
Ok, there is a direction in chemical equation, reactants are cause and products are effect,
hence there is causality. But not in mathematical equation, there is symmetry in mathematical
equation instead of causality. 1+1→2 does not make sense because 2 is not caused by 1+1,
instead there is symmetry: 1+1=2 and 2=1+1.

Perhaps this is a weakness of mathematics, it does not seem offer causality.
  • #5
7777777 said:
Perhaps this is a weakness of mathematics, it does not seem offer causality.
You gave the answer to your question yourself.
7777777 said:
1+1→2 does not make sense
And there are instances where mathematics offers a cause and effect.
Mathematical Induction
  • #6
I found this.

chemistry and symbols

1789 Lavoisier uses "=" sign for a chemical equation.
1884 Vant Hoff uses double arrows
1901 single arrow to designate direction, products and reactants

Other uses of arrows in chemistry shown, past and present.
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  • #7
Nice links. This timeline was very interesting→