Complcated Chemistry Reaction - impossible?

In summary, the conversation discusses the complexity of a chemistry reaction involving peroxides, HBr, organolithium or Grignard reagents, and strong acid-base reactions. The questioner is having difficulty understanding the process and achieving the correct result. The expert clarifies the steps and addresses confusion about the formation of carbon bonds and the use of lithium in the reaction.
  • #1
Complcated Chemistry Reaction - impossible??



Help :(
My notes say:

Step 1 is a 221 reaction. If peroxides are used in your version, then the anti-Markovnikov bromide is formed. If your version had only HBr, the the Markovnikov bromide is formeed.

Step 2 creates organolithium or Grignard reagent (depending on your version).

Steps 3 is a strong acid (D2O) - strong base (organometallic carbon) reaction which gives a deuterated alkane.


I managed to get A right but I can't get B right :(
Physics news on
  • #2

Why would you think you would get a grignard when you treat with lithium? Why does your answer show four carbons when your starting material is propene?
  • #3

What exactly is the grignard reaction then?
Don't you just remove a C=C bond and make it a single C-C bond and add a another –Br bond to the end of one C atom ??

FAQ: Complcated Chemistry Reaction - impossible?

1. What is a "complicated" chemistry reaction?

A complicated chemistry reaction refers to a chemical reaction that involves multiple reactants, products, and intermediates. These reactions often have multiple steps and require advanced understanding of chemical principles and techniques to accurately predict and explain the outcomes.

2. Why is the reaction considered "impossible"?

The reaction may be considered impossible due to various reasons such as the reaction conditions being unattainable, the reaction being thermodynamically unfavorable, or the reaction requiring complex and expensive equipment that is not readily available.

3. Can the reaction ever be achieved?

It is possible for a seemingly impossible reaction to be achieved, but it would require extensive research, experimentation, and potentially new technology or techniques. Scientists are constantly pushing the boundaries of chemistry and making new discoveries that were once thought to be impossible.

4. Are there any real-life examples of "complicated" and "impossible" chemistry reactions?

Yes, there are many real-life examples of complicated and seemingly impossible chemistry reactions. For instance, the synthesis of certain pharmaceutical drugs or materials may require multiple complex steps and specialized equipment, making them difficult to achieve.

5. How do scientists approach studying and understanding "complicated" and "impossible" chemistry reactions?

Scientists use a combination of theoretical models, experimental techniques, and advanced technology to study and understand complicated and seemingly impossible chemistry reactions. They also collaborate and share their findings with other experts in the field to gain a deeper understanding of these reactions and potentially find new ways to achieve them.
