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Translated from German magazine "Spektrum der Wissenschaft", September 2009, p. 33 (original see below):
That doesn't sound right. EPR even have "physical reality" in the title, though they might not mean with it the exact same thing as Bell.
Why would we need Bell's argument if EPR already and definitely rules out locality?
Translated from German magazine "Spektrum der Wissenschaft", September 2009, p. 33 (original see below):
Since Bell used the assumption of "local realism", many believe he proved that QM violates either locality or realism. Thus the world could be local, if it violates realism. Though this is a misconception: The original argument of EPR rules out quantum locality without invoking Bell's realism.
Da Bell von der Annahme ausging, die Welt verhalte sich »lokal realistisch«, glauben viele, er habe bewiesen, dass entweder die Lokalität oder der Realismus verletzt wird. Demnach könnte die Welt lokal sein, wenn sie den Realismus verletzt. Doch das ist ein Missverständnis: Da
ursprüngliche Argument von Einstein, Podolsky und Rosen schließt die Möglichkeit der Quantenlokalität aus, ohne den von Bell verwendeten Realismus zu bemühen.
That doesn't sound right. EPR even have "physical reality" in the title, though they might not mean with it the exact same thing as Bell.
Why would we need Bell's argument if EPR already and definitely rules out locality?