Does local realism imply separability?

In summary: Since every separable state can be written as a convex combination of product states, and since every product state satisfies local realism, it follows that any pure state that satisfies local realism must be separable.This is just off the top of my head, so I might be wrong.
  • #1

Bell's formulation of local realism is $$P(a,b)=\int\ d\lambda\cdot\rho(\lambda)p_A(a,\lambda)p_B(b,\lambda)\enspace.$$
Let's for simplicity assume there's only a finite number of states, so this becomes $$P(a,b)=\sum_{i} p_i\cdot\ p_A(a,i)p_B(b,i)\enspace.$$
I'm trying to translate this into density operator notation and then show that it implies that the state needs to be separable. So my ansatz is
where ##\hat{A}(a)## and ##\hat{B}(b)## are observables with spectrum ##\{1,0\}## (detecting or not detecting a photon). I'm trying to show by comparing the last two equations that ##\hat{\rho}## must have the form
$$\hat{\rho}=p_i\cdot\hat{\rho}_A ^i\otimes\hat{\rho}_B ^i$$
where ##\hat{\rho}_A ^i## and ##\hat{\rho}_B ^i## are density operators on their respective subsystems. However I can't see how to do this.

Showing that separable states satisfiy local realism is trivial, is the converse even true in general? If yes, how do you do this? Or is my ansatz nonsense? I'm unsure because I had to pick observables with eigenvalues and if ##\{1,0\}## was the right choice.
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  • #2
Yes, assuming "local realism" one can derive separability. There are a number of different definitions of "local realism", so there are different derivations:

I like the derivation given by Wood and Spekkens (Fig.19):

Edit: This post does not use the definition of separability used in the OP. I misread. See jfizzix's answer below.
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  • #3
greypilgrim said:
Showing that separable states satisfiy local realism is trivial, is the converse even true in general? If yes, how do you do this?
No. There are non-separable states that satisfy local realism. See, for example:

However, if along with local realism, you consider the additional assumption that all measurement probabilities are completely described by, and reducible to quantum measurements, then we can say the following:
If one's measurement statistics obey local realism, and one's measurement probabilities are reducible to quantum measurements, then the joint quantum state must be separable.

Indeed, it is for this reason that violating a Bell inequality proves the state is entangled; separable states are a strict subset of states admitting a local hidden variable model.
  • #4
Although my answer differs from jfizzix's, I don't disagree with him. I gave the opposite answer because I misread the definition of separability in the OP. The answer in post #2 is correct for a different definition of separability than used in the OP. jfizzix's answer is correct for the definition of separability in the OP.
  • #5

The paper mentions that every pure state that satisfies local realism is separable (it actually says that every pure state admitting a hidden-variable model is classically correlated, but as far as I can see the definitions are the same).

I have no access to the referenced paper, but is there an easy way to show this?
  • #6
I don't know of an easy way to show it, but if you want a source to look up, it's Gisin's theorem that says every entangled pure state must violate some sort of bell inequality. So, if a pure state does satisfy local realism, it must not be entangled.

FAQ: Does local realism imply separability?

What is local realism and how does it relate to separability?

Local realism is a principle in quantum mechanics that states that physical properties of a system should exist independently of any observation or measurement. Separability, on the other hand, refers to the idea that a composite system can be broken down into separate, individual systems. The question of whether local realism implies separability is a topic of debate in quantum mechanics.

How does the violation of Bell's inequality challenge local realism?

Bell's inequality is a mathematical expression that tests the compatibility of local realism with quantum mechanics. When this inequality is violated, it suggests that either locality or realism (or both) must be abandoned. Since many experiments have shown violations of Bell's inequality, it is often seen as a challenge to the principle of local realism.

Can separability exist without local realism?

Yes, it is possible for separability to exist without local realism. In fact, some interpretations of quantum mechanics, such as the many-worlds interpretation, suggest that separability can still hold even in the absence of local realism. However, this is still a topic of debate among scientists and philosophers.

How does entanglement relate to the question of local realism and separability?

Entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where two or more particles become correlated in such a way that their states are interdependent, even when separated by large distances. This concept is closely related to the question of local realism and separability, as entanglement challenges the idea that physical properties of systems exist independently of measurements.

Are there any experimental tests that can definitively answer the question of local realism and separability?

While there have been many experiments that have challenged local realism and separability, there is currently no definitive test that can answer this question conclusively. This is because the concept of locality and realism are deeply intertwined with our understanding of quantum mechanics, and it is difficult to design experiments that can fully test these principles in isolation.

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