Embarking on Mathematics Self-Study

In summary: Once you have the intuition for these operations, it will be much easier to solve integration by parts problems. Additionally, do as much problems as possible. This will also help you get a better understanding of the concepts.
  • #1
I will be attempting to self-study mathematics and I need some advice. I made a D in Calculus II this past semester. I will be retaking it along with Diff Equations and Mathematical statistics. I will also be sitting in Calculus I class with an instructor, although I don't need to take it since I made a B in the course. I just want to be refreshed in the material.

This semester I am taking Fundementals of Mathematics and the book we use is "Doing Mathematics: an introduction to proofs and problem-solving".

The book that is utilized in the calculus series(I-III) at my university is Anton Bivens Davis Calculus.

So far I have Spivak Calculus, Courant Calculus, Apostol and Piskunov as well as several Analysis Books.

I need to brush up on my Algebra and Trig so I have I.M. Gelfand's Algebra and Trigonometry. I also ordered "Fundementals of Freshman Mathematics" by Allendoerfer

I was going to start with my Algebra and Trig then brush up on my proofing techniques, which is a little difficult and new to me since this Fundamentals of math class is my first encounter with it, and then start with Spivak and go from there.

I will be graduating Spring '14 with a double major in Mathematics and Biology, but I don't think I'm as good at mathematics as I should be.

Any advice?
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  • #2
Getting a D in calculus II is not a good sign. It doesn't need to be fatal though, but it signals a deeper problem that needs to be addressed.

Can you explain why you got a D? Do you know what you did wrong? How are you preventing this from happening again?
  • #3
The integration by parts tripped me up.

I have been studying the material and looking on youtube at examples and stuff.
  • #4
How did you study exactly. Mathematics can't be studied like biology. You absolutely need to sit down with pen and paper and go over stuff. You just can't get a deep understanding by working some examples and YouTube. You need to go over theorems and think about what they try to convey. Get into habit of visualize things. Integration by parts is only a small part of calc II, you shouldn't have gotten a d because of that section alone. Also do a lot of problems. And exhaust each problem. Calc II is rich with good problems! Use that to your advantage.

Good Luck!

  • #5
Tee2612 said:
The integration by parts tripped me up.

I have been studying the material and looking on youtube at examples and stuff.

How did it trip you up? Did you solve enough exercises?
You can't just watch youtube and think you understand the topic. You actually need to work through it.

Integration by parts is not hard compared to things like analysis and abstract algebra. So if you're having troubles with integration by parts, then you need to find out what went wrong and you need to salvage it. Just saying "this part tripped me up" is not very useful until you know why exactly it did.
  • #6
Also knowing the motivation helps.

Why does integration by parts seem reasonable? Does it look like it works?


On one hand,
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Put it together and it all begins makes sense.

The other half is practicing the concepts until you know how to effectively solve problems.

Ex. Knowing what to assign as U and dV in solving the antiderivatives of sin(x)*e^x, and ln(x) to make your computation easiest.

FAQ: Embarking on Mathematics Self-Study

What are the benefits of embarking on mathematics self-study?

The benefits of embarking on mathematics self-study include developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills, improving logical reasoning abilities, and gaining a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. It also allows for independent learning and the ability to set your own pace for learning.

How do I know what topics to focus on during my mathematics self-study?

The topics you choose to focus on during your mathematics self-study should align with your personal interests and goals. You could also consult with a math teacher or mentor to get guidance on which topics to prioritize based on your current level of understanding and future academic or career aspirations.

What resources are available for mathematics self-study?

There are many resources available for mathematics self-study, including textbooks, online courses, video tutorials, practice problems, and study groups. You can also access online forums and communities for support and discussion with other self-study mathematicians.

How much time should I dedicate to my mathematics self-study?

The amount of time you dedicate to your mathematics self-study will depend on your personal schedule and goals. It is recommended to set aside a consistent and dedicated amount of time each day or week for studying, and to also give yourself breaks to avoid burnout.

How can I track my progress during mathematics self-study?

You can track your progress during mathematics self-study by setting measurable goals, such as completing a certain number of practice problems or mastering a specific concept. You can also use self-assessment tools, such as quizzes or tests, to gauge your understanding and identify areas for improvement.
