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- Author: Robin Hartshorne
- Title: Geometry: Euclid and Beyond
- Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0387986502/?tag=pfamazon01-20
- Prerequisities: Proofs, intro to abstract algebra
- Level: Undergrad
Table of Contents:
[*] Euclid's Geometry
[*] A First Look at Euclid's Elements
[*] Ruler and Compass Constructions
[*] Euclid's Axiomatic Method
[*] Construction of the Regular Pentagon
[*] Hilbert's Axioms
[*] Axioms of Incidence
[*] Axioms of Betweenness
[*] Axioms of Congruence for Line Segments
[*] Axioms of Congruence for Angles
[*] Hilber Planes
[*] Intersection of Lines and Circles
[*] Euclidean Planes
[*] Geometry over Fields
[*] The Real Cartesian Plane
[*] Abstract Fields and Incidence
[*] Ordered Field and Betweenness
[*] Congruence of Segments and Angles
[*] Rigid Motions and SAS
[*] Non-Archimedean Geometry
[*] Segment Arithmetic
[*] Addition and Multiplication of Line Segments
[*] Similar Triangles
[*] Introduction of Coordinates
[*] Area
[*] Area in Euclid's Geometry
[*] Measure of Area Functions
[*] Dissection
[*] Quadratura Circuli
[*] Euclid's Theory of Volume
[*] Hilbert's Third Problem
[*] Construction Problems and Field Extensions
[*] Three Famous Problems
[*] The Regular 17-Sided Polygon
[*] Constructions with Compass and Marked Ruler
[*] Cubic and Quartic Equation
[*] Appendix: Finite Field Extensions
[*] Non-Euclidean Geometry
[*] History of the Parallel Postulate
[*] Neutral Geometry
[*] Archimedean Neutral Geometry
[*] Non-Euclidean Area
[*] Circular Inversion
[*] Digression: Circles Determined by Three Conditions
[*] The Poincaré Geometry
[*] Hilbert's Arithmetic of Ends
[*] Hyperbolic Trigonometry
[*] Characterization of Hilbert Planes
[*] Polyhedra
[*] The Five Regular Solids
[*] Euler's and Cauchy's Theorems
[*] Semiregular and Face-Regular Polyhedra
[*] Symmetry Groups of Polyhedra
[*] Appendix: Brief Euclid
[*] Notes
[*] References
[*] List of Axioms
[*] Index of Euclid's Propositions
[*] Index
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