- #1
- 19,629
- 10,338
- Author: Michael Artin
- Title: Algebra
- Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0132413779/?tag=pfamazon01-20
- Prerequisities: High-school mathematics, proofs
- Level: Undergrad
Table of Contents:
[*] Preface
[*] A Note for the Teacher
[*] Matrix Operations
[*] The Basic Operations
[*] Row Reduction
[*] Determinants
[*] Permutation Matrices
[*] Cramer's Rule
[*] Exercises
[*] Groups
[*] The Definition of a Group
[*] Subgroups
[*] Isomorphisms
[*] Homomorphisms
[*] Equivalence Relations and Partitions
[*] Cosets
[*] Restriction of a Homomorphism to a Subgroup
[*] Products of Groups
[*] Modular Arithmetic
[*] Quotient Groups
[*] Exercises
[*] Vector Spaces
[*] Real Vector Spaces
[*] Abstract Fields
[*] Bases and Dimension
[*] Computation with Bases
[*] Infinite-Dimensional Spaces
[*] Direct Sums
[*] Exercises
[*] Linear Transformations
[*] The Dimension Formula
[*] The Matrix of a Linear Transformation
[*] Linear Operators and Eigenvectors
[*] The Characteristic Polynomial
[*] Orthogonal Matrices and Rotations
[*] Diagonalization
[*] Systems of Differential Equations
[*] The Matrix Exponential
[*] Exercises
[*] Symmetry
[*] Symmetry of Plane Figures
[*] The Group of Motions of the Plane
[*] Finite Groups of Motions
[*] Discrete Groups of Motions
[*] Abstract Symmetry: Group Operations
[*] The Operation on Cosets
[*] The Counting Formula
[*] Permutation Representations
[*] Finite Subgroups of the Rotation Group
[*] Exercises
[*] More Group Theory
[*] The Operations of a Group on Itself
[*] The Class Equation of the Icosahedral Group
[*] Operations on Subsets
[*] The Sylow Theorems
[*] The Groups of Order 12
[*] Computation in the Symmetric Group
[*] The Free Group
[*] Generators and Relations
[*] The Todd-Coxeter Algorithm
[*] Exercises
[*] Bilinear Forms
[*] Definition of Bilinear Form
[*] Symmetric Forms: Orthogonality
[*] The Geometry Associated to a Positive Form
[*] Hermitian Forms
[*] The Spectral Theorem
[*] Conics and Quadrics
[*] The Spectral Theorem for Normal Operators
[*] Skew-Symmetric Forms
[*] Summary of Results, in Matrix Notation
[*] Exercises
[*] Linear Groups
[*] The Classical Linear Groups
[*] The Special Unitary Group [itex]SU_2[/itex]
[*] The Orthogonal Representation of [itex]SU_2[/itex]
[*] The Special Linear Group [itex]SL_2(\mathbb{R})[/itex]
[*] One-Parameter Subgroups
[*] The Lie Algebra
[*] Translation in a Group
[*] Simple Groups
[*] Exercises
[*] Group Representations
[*] Definition of a Group Representation
[*] G-Invariant Forms and Unitary Representations
[*] Compact Groups
[*] G-Invariant Subspaces and Irreducible Representations
[*] Characters
[*] Permutation Representations and the Regular Representation
[*] The Representations of the Icosahedral Group
[*] One-Dimensional Representations
[*] Schur's Lemma, and Proof of the Orthogonality Relations
[*] Representations of the Group [itex]SU_2[/itex]
[*] Exercises
[*] Rings
[*] Definition of a Ring
[*] Formal Construction of Integers and Polynomials
[*] Homomorphisms and Ideals
[*] Quotient Rings and Relations in a Ring
[*] Adjunction of Elements
[*] Integral Domains and Fraction Fields
[*] Maximal Ideals
[*] Algebraic Geometry
[*] Exercises
[*] Factorization
[*] Factorization of Integers and Polynomials
[*] Unique Factorization Domains, Principal Ideal Domains, and Euclidean Domains
[*] Gauss's Lemma
[*] Explicit Factorization of Polynomials
[*] Primes in the Ring of Gauss Integers
[*] Algebraic Integers
[*] Factorization in Imaginary Quadratic Fields
[*] Ideal Factorization
[*] The Relation Between Prime Ideals of R and Prime Integers
[*] Ideal Classes in Imaginary Quadratic Fields
[*] Real Quadratic Fields
[*] Some Diophantine Equations
[*] Exercises
[*] Modules
[*] The Definition of a Module
[*] Matrices, Free Modules, and Bases
[*] The Principle of Permanence of Identities
[*] Diagonalization of Integer Matrices
[*] Generators and Relations for Modules
[*] The Structure Theorem for Abelian Groups
[*] Application to Linear Operators
[*] Free Modules over Polynomial Rings
[*] Exercises
[*] Fields
[*] Examples of Fields
[*] Algebraic and Transcendental Elements
[*] The Degree of a Field Extension
[*] Constructions with Ruler and Compass
[*] Symbolic Adjunction of Roots
[*] Finite Fields
[*] Function Fields
[*] Transcendental Extensions
[*] Algebraically Closed Fields
[*] Exercises
[*] Galois Theory
[*] The Main Theorem of Galois Theory
[*] Cubic Equations
[*] Symmetric Functions
[*] Primitive Elements
[*] Proof of the Main Theorem
[*] Quartic Equations
[*] Kummer Extensions
[*] Cyclotomic Extensions
[*] Quintic Equations
[*] Exercises
[*] Appendix: Background Material
[*] Set Theory
[*] Techniques of Proof
[*] Topology
[*] The Implicit Function Theorem
[*] Exercises
[*] Notation
[*] Suggestions for Further Reading
[*] Index
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