Good latex editor for Mathematics?

In summary, there are many different opinions and recommendations for LaTeX editors, including TeXworks, Scientific Workplace, Texmaker, Gummi, Kile, Emacs, and Sharelatex. Some prefer a minimalist approach while others prefer WYSIWYG options. For beginners, it is recommended to start with a basic editor like TeXworks and gradually explore other options. Additionally, there are some helpful tutorials and guides available for learning LaTeX and its tags. Ultimately, the best editor will depend on personal preference and the specific needs of the user.
  • #1
Hi, Just wondering: What Latex editor would you recommend for a beginner for writing a lot of mathematical equations?
Physics news on
  • #2
I use TeXworks, which is pretty bare bones, but if you pair it with a lot of google searches for new commands makes for pretty rapid equation entering.
I have used Scientific Workplace, but that lends itself to building equations symbolically which is more time consuming if you are doing a lot of math. The benefit of SW is that it also has a lot of built in capabilities to evaluate math and incorporate plots.
  • #3
I don't do much latex and don't know how it compares, but I have used Texmaker.
  • #5
christian0710 said:
What Latex editor would you recommend for a beginner for writing a lot of mathematical equations?

Do you want to type out the Latex or do you want something oriented toward a drag-and-drop symbols interface?

I prefer to type the Latex and for that approach, try Gummi.
  • #6
Technicenter or Lyx... Technicenter is compiled, and is equivalent to TeXworks. LyX is WYSIWYG and I have not spent too much time working with it.
  • #7
Just a minimal warning as I ended up not using Lyx...maybe things have improved.
Several years ago, when I was looking for a latex solution, I read about Lyx...I was not 100% happy with it...details about it that affect compatibility. Precisely because it attempts to be WYSIWYG, it seems the latex behind the scenes is not pretty to say the least; I seem to recall something along the lines of Lyx having to include stuff that is not standard (making the source incompatible with typical latex processing tools) and making it difficult to edit the source directly when wanting to achieve something specific.
  • #8
I use Kile, for me it is good.
  • #9
Emacs, obviously. :wink:

Seriously, I use Kile. I really like it. It has a sidebar where you can look up symbols, and nice project management. It's not WYSIWYG, but frankly, I think that's a good thing.
  • #10
While participants think about replies I wish to say about the short experience in LaTex on this forum.
When I have tried to find out how to use LaTeX in this forum, I visited the following topics:
there are many links to tutorials and there are no even a one frase about LaTeX tags! LaTeX tags are still not standartized and every one novice needs to know what they are, and there is no an answer)
Just trying to edit the message can be seen in the lower left corner of the built-in editor link "Latex" and trying to type LaTeX you can see the link "Latex guide". Clicking and reading you can find that the tags are:
itex and /itex in brackets!
So the last expression of previous post has to be rendered as:
[itex]F_{e }=\frac{q _{1}\cdot q _{2}}{{{4\cdot \pi \cdot \varepsilon _{0}\cdot \varepsilon \cdot r}}^{2}}[/itex]
Last edited:
  • #11
IgorIGP said:
Clicking and reading you can find that the tags are:
Alternatively can be applied tags \$$ (double dollar). So:
\$$F_{e }=\frac{q _{1}\cdot q _{2}}{{{4\cdot \pi \cdot \varepsilon _{0}\cdot \varepsilon \cdot r}}^{2}}\$$
will be rendered:
$$F_{e }=\frac{q _{1}\cdot q _{2}}{{{4\cdot \pi \cdot \varepsilon _{0}\cdot \varepsilon \cdot r}}^{2}}$$
that is interesting that using itex and /itex tags we have a little font:
[itex]F_{e }=\frac{q _{1}\cdot q _{2}}{{{4\cdot \pi \cdot \varepsilon _{0}\cdot \varepsilon \cdot r}}^{2}}[/itex]
  • #12
christian0710 said:
Hi, Just wondering: What Latex editor would you recommend for a beginner for writing a lot of mathematical equations?
These threads aren't as good as they should be, because usually 20 people recommend 20 different editors. I think TeXnicCenter is good for small documents.

IgorIGP said:
there are many links to tutorials and there are no even a one frase about LaTeX tags!
The LaTeX guide for Physics Forums starts with a detailed explanation of the tags.
It can also be found by clicking info (at the top right), help/how-to, latex primer.
  • #13
In the time of everything online there is

Depending on your operating system installing extra packages can be a little annoying. Sharelatex has most if not all well-known packages.
They also have great tutorials if you ask me.
Finally you can work on the same document with multiple people (hence share)

See if you like it, I know I did. (Although I also use kile when I don't want any possibility of distractions)
  • #14
Emacs with AUCTeX, BibTeX and RefTeX. You never have to think about equation labels again, as they are automatically generated and looked up.

FAQ: Good latex editor for Mathematics?

1. What is the best latex editor for mathematics?

The best latex editor for mathematics is subjective and may vary depending on individual preferences. Some popular options include TeXstudio, Overleaf, and LaTeXila.

2. Can I use any latex editor for writing mathematical equations?

Yes, any latex editor can be used for writing mathematical equations. However, some editors may have specific features tailored for mathematical writing, making them more convenient for scientific work.

3. Is there a free latex editor for mathematics?

Yes, there are several free latex editors available for mathematics, such as TeXstudio, TeXworks, and Overleaf. These editors offer most of the necessary features for mathematical writing at no cost.

4. Can I use a latex editor for other types of documents besides mathematics?

Yes, latex editors can be used for writing various types of documents, including articles, reports, and presentations. However, they may require some additional packages or customization for non-mathematical documents.

5. Do I need to have coding experience to use a latex editor for mathematics?

No, coding experience is not necessary to use a latex editor for mathematics. While some knowledge of LaTeX syntax may be helpful, most editors offer user-friendly interfaces and menus for creating equations and documents without coding knowledge.

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