Hear the Sun: Exploring Sound in the Solar System

In summary, sound waves can be transmitted through the inner solar system and we can hear the Sun burning. The sound waves are in the atmosphere of the sun and they are very loud.
  • #1
I know this is speculation but, if the inner solar system was permeated by a gas which could transmit sound waves (say for simplicity, similar to air), would we hear the Sun burning?

And which kind of sound would it be? Which timbre and range of frequencies? Would it be unbearably loud? Or very attenuated by the big distance they have to travel?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Yes actually. When we first started really looking closely at the sun, we discovered that no matter what we did, we could not get a clear picture of the surface. There was a lot of random interference. It took a long time, but someone finally realized that that random interference were actually sound waves. This is how scientists can actually tell what's going in inside the star, by looking at the sound waves that come across the surface. These are in the atmosphere of the sun though.

Once you get away from the surface, there is no air to allow the sound waves to travel, the plasma is too far sparse and too hot.

Take a look at this very obvious shockwave radiating away from a solar flare. If you were standing in it, it'd sound just like a massive explosion.
  • #3
newjerseyrunner said:
Yes actually. When we first started really looking closely at the sun, we discovered that no matter what we did, we could not get a clear picture of the surface. There was a lot of random interference. It took a long time, but someone finally realized that that random interference were actually sound waves.

Do you have a reference for this? I've never heard of this before. (The part about 'sound waves' interfering with images)
  • #5
So you're referring to the part where they say that the ripples didn't disappear, even with more advanced instruments?
  • #6
Yes, it took someone to understand that the ripples were sound waves coming from deep inside to really start the field of helioseismology. Interference was not the correct word, I should have called it distortion.
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  • #7
TX. It makes complete sense that the Sun must generate sound waves in its structure, I was just wondering how would we hear them in the hypothetical case that they could be transmitted until the Earth.

I have also read that astronomers have detected sound waves spreading from the gas clouds surrounding a black hole, and they even calculated the pitch (which was very low).

FAQ: Hear the Sun: Exploring Sound in the Solar System

1. What is "Hear the Sun: Exploring Sound in the Solar System"?

"Hear the Sun: Exploring Sound in the Solar System" is a research project that aims to investigate the sounds produced by the Sun and other celestial bodies in our solar system. This includes studying the different types of sound waves and vibrations that can be detected and analyzed using advanced technology.

2. How is sound produced in the solar system?

Sound in the solar system is produced by the movement and interaction of different objects and materials. For example, the Sun produces sound through the movement of gases and energy within its core, while planets and moons can produce sound through their magnetic fields, atmospheres, and geological activity. Even comets and asteroids can produce sound when they collide or break apart.

3. Can sound travel through space?

Yes, sound can travel through space, but it requires a medium such as gases, liquids, or solids to propagate. In the vacuum of space, sound cannot travel because there is no medium for it to travel through. However, there are other types of waves, such as electromagnetic waves, that can be detected and interpreted as sound by specialized equipment.

4. How do scientists study sound in the solar system?

Scientists use a variety of instruments and techniques to study sound in the solar system. This includes using specialized microphones, seismometers, and other sensors to detect and record sound waves and vibrations. They also use computer models and simulations to analyze and interpret the data collected from these instruments.

5. What can we learn from studying sound in the solar system?

Studying sound in the solar system can provide us with valuable information about the physical properties and processes of celestial bodies. It can also help us understand the formation and evolution of our solar system and provide insights into the potential for life on other planets. Additionally, studying sound can help us develop new technologies and methods for exploring and understanding the universe.
