How could inflation interact with recombination radiation?

In summary, the gravitational waves that produce the B-mode polarization at the time of recombination are created continuously, and after inflation ends, they die away.
  • #1
Okay, I will be the one in the class that asks the questions that some of us are afraid to ask but still want to know.

How could the light from recombination, which occurred about 380K years after the Big Bang, interact with the gravitational waves generated from inflation, which occurred instants after the Big Bang, in order to produce the CMB polarization that was announced?

There probably is a simple explanation, but all of the new releases and responses I read kind of gloss over that portion of it.
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  • #2
wmikewells said:
Okay, I will be the one in the class that asks the questions that some of us are afraid to ask but still want to know.

How could the light from recombination, which occurred about 380K years after the Big Bang, interact with the gravitational waves generated from inflation, which occurred instants after the Big Bang, in order to produce the CMB polarization that was announced?

There probably is a simple explanation, but all of the new releases and responses I read kind of gloss over that portion of it.

From the following link, section 2,

"The amplitude of the gravity wave is proportional to the expansion rate H during inflation, which in turn is proportional to the inflation energy scale squared:

GW amplitude ∝ H ∝ Einf^2, where Einf~<10^16GeV "

So after all that time the amplitude died down but did not completely go away?

See also,
  • #3
Gravitational waves are generated continuously during inflation. These gravitational waves are created from the vacuum and stretched by the inflating spacetime to extremely large scales. Since this is happening continuously, when inflation ends, you have a spectrum of gravitational waves, existing across a range of wavelengths: those that were created earliest have been stretched the most and are of the longest wavelength, and conversely for relatively young gravitational waves. When inflation ends, it dumps all its energy into radiation and matter -- so-called reheating. Immediately, this radiation can begin interacting with the gravitational waves set up by inflation. It takes a while for gravitational waves to die away: those that were stretched the most have been stretched so large that they have a wavelength larger than the observable universe! Such waves cannot evolve because parts of the wave are acausally separated from other parts of the wave: they must wait for the observable universe (which is growing all the while) to catch up to them. Once they fall within the observable universe, they begin to evolve, redshifting away with the expansion. So it's primarily these "super-horizon" gravitational waves that interact with the baryon-photon plasma before recombination; once the photons are liberated at recombination, they carry away the characteristic B-mode polarization -- proof that they once rubbed elbows with the elusive gravitational waves.

(Incidentally, since the gravitational waves redshift once they "fall" within the horizon of the observable universe, we don't see B-mode polarization on scales corresponding to and smaller than the horizon size at the time of recombination.)
  • #4
What are typical wavelengths for the gravitational waves that produce the B-modes at the time of recombination?
  • #5
Wavelengths of order today's horizon size down to the horizon size at decoupling.
  • #6
bapowell said:
Wavelengths of order today's horizon size down to the horizon size at decoupling.

If recombination is relatively fast does that mean that the gravity waves don't change much and are basically static during recombination?

Thank you!
  • #7
Yes. Although, at recombination all the gravity waves that are relevant to the B-mode polarization signal are superhorizon-sized and not evolving anyway!
  • #8
Making more sense, thanks!
  • #9
Wow, not as simple as I thought, but still simple enough to understand. Thanks!

FAQ: How could inflation interact with recombination radiation?

1. How does inflation affect recombination radiation?

Inflation is a period of rapid expansion in the early universe, which can affect the conditions during recombination, the point when the universe transitioned from a plasma to a neutral gas. During inflation, the universe underwent a rapid expansion, causing the universe to cool down. This cooling allowed for the formation of atoms, which in turn led to the release of recombination radiation.

2. What is the relationship between inflation and the cosmic microwave background (CMB)?

Inflation is believed to have played a crucial role in the formation of the CMB, which is the leftover radiation from the early universe. The rapid expansion during inflation caused tiny fluctuations in the density of matter, which were amplified and stretched out by inflation. These fluctuations eventually grew into the large-scale structures we see in the universe today, including the temperature variations in the CMB.

3. Can inflation explain the uniformity of the CMB across the sky?

Yes, inflation is one of the leading theories for explaining the uniformity of the CMB. Inflation predicts that the universe expanded rapidly and uniformly, resulting in a consistent temperature across the sky. This is supported by observations of the CMB, which show incredibly small variations in temperature across the entire sky.

4. How does inflation affect the shape of the universe?

Inflation can have a significant impact on the shape of the universe by smoothing out any potential curvature. For example, if the universe had a slight positive curvature before inflation, the rapid expansion would have stretched it out and made it almost flat. This is consistent with current observations that suggest the universe is flat.

5. What evidence supports the idea of inflation?

There are multiple lines of evidence that support the idea of inflation. One of the most significant pieces of evidence is the uniformity of the CMB, which is difficult to explain without a period of rapid expansion. Additionally, the predicted density fluctuations from inflation have been observed in the CMB. Other evidence includes the flatness of the universe, the absence of magnetic monopoles, and the large-scale structure of the universe.

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