How Does the Charge Conjugate Dirac Field Transform in Quantum Field Theory?

In summary, Halzen and Martin's section 5.4 states that the current density 4 vector is equal to the complex conjugate of the psi-bar.
  • #1

I'm trying to work my way through Halzen and Martin's section 5.4. I'd appreciate if someone could answer the following question:

How does

[tex]j^{\mu}_{C} = -e\psi^{T}(\gamma^{\mu})^{T}\overline{\psi}^{T}[/tex]


[tex]j^{\mu}_{C} = -(-)e\overline{\psi}\gamma^{\mu}\psi[/tex]

? Is there some identity I'm missing?

Thanks in advance.

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  • #2
  • #3
transpose the entire thing, then use the fact that the psi-bar contains a gamma_0 matrix
  • #4
ansgar said:
transpose the entire thing, then use the fact that the psi-bar contains a gamma_0 matrix

Why? If I transpose the entire thing, I get the next line without a minus sign. But why do I transpose? Not sure I follow you..
  • #5
ok I can get this:


so performing a complex conjugation one gets

{j_C^{\mu}}^* -e\overline{\psi}{\gamma^{\mu}}\psi
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  • #6
ansgar said:
ok I can get this:


so performing a complex conjugation one gets

{j_C^{\mu}}^* -e\overline{\psi}{\gamma^{\mu}}\psi

I don't think you understand my question here. The two expressions are equal. But are you asking me to transform one to the other by performing a transpose followed by a complex conjugation (in other words asking me to take the Hermitian adjoint)? That is, to prove A = B, I should take the Hermitian adjoint of A and find it to be equal to B. Is that what you're saying?

(Do you intend to utilize the fact that the current density 4 vector is real? If so, we should merely be taking the complex conjugate.)
  • #7
can you just for completeness write down the four current and the C- transformation?

there are a couple of conventions out there you know..
  • #8
ok if you go to peskin page 70, if you have it then you can work it you I think, with Halzens definitions I have no clue sorry
  • #9
the current is a spinor scalar, it has no spinor indecies, so do a transpose in spinor space and use that the \psi's anticommute.

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