How to determine if a set is a semiring or a ring?

In summary: If we only consider addition then it is not a semiring because the set contains the empty set. If we only consider multiplication then it is a semiring because it contains the set [0,1].
  • #1
Let E be a finite nonempty set and let ## \Omega := E^{\mathbb{N}}##be the set of all E-valued
sequences ##\omega = (\omega_n)_{n\in \mathbb{N}}F##or any ## \omega_1, \dots,\omega_n \in E ## Let

##[\omega_1, \dots,\omega_n]= \{\omega^, \in \Omega : \omega^,_i = \omega_i \forall i =1,\dots,n \}##

be the set of all sequences whose first n values are ##\omega_1,\dots, \omega_n##. Let ##\mathcal{A}_0 =\{\emptyset\}## for ##n\in \mathbb{N}## define

##\mathcal{A}_n :=\{[\omega_1,\dots,\omega_n] : \omega_1,\dots, \omega_n \in E\}##.
Hence show that ##\mathcal{A}= \bigcup_{n=0}^\infty \mathcal{A}_n## is a semiring but is not a ring if (#E >1).

My answer:

Let's consider an example where ##E = \{0,1\}## and ##\Omega = E^{\mathbb{N}}## is the set of all E-valued sequences. For any ##\omega_1,\dots,\omega_n \in E##, we have

##[\omega_1,\dots,\omega_n] = \{\omega \in \Omega : \omega_i = \omega_i \forall i = 1,\dots,n\} ##which is the set of all sequences whose first n values are ##\omega_1,\dots,\omega_n##. Let ##\mathcal{A}_0 = \{\emptyset\}## and for ##n \in \mathbb{N}## define

##\mathcal{A}_n := \{[\omega_1,\dots,\omega_n] : \omega_1,\dots,\omega_n \in E\}.##

Hence ##\mathcal{A} = \bigcup_{n=0}^\infty \mathcal{A}_n## is a semiring but not a ring if # E > 1.
To see why ##\mathcal{A}## is a semiring, let's verify that it satisfies the three conditions for a semiring. First, it contains the empty set because ##\mathcal{A}_0 = \{\emptyset\}## and ## \mathcal{A} = \bigcup_{n=0}^\infty \mathcal{A}_n##. Second, for any two sets ##A,B \in \mathcal{A}##, their difference ##B \setminus A## is a finite union of mutually disjoint sets in ##\mathcal{A}.## For example, let A = [0] and B = [1], then ## B \setminus A = [1] ##, which is ##\in \mathcal{A}.## Third, ##\mathcal{A}## is closed under intersection. For example, let ##A = [0]## and ## B = [1]##, then ## A \cap B = \emptyset ##, which is in ##\mathcal{A}##.
However, ##\mathcal{A}## is not a ring because it does not satisfy all three conditions for a ring. Specifically, it does not satisfy condition (ii) for a ring, which requires that ##\mathcal{A}## be closed under set difference. For example, let A = [0,0] and B = [0,1], then ## B \setminus A = [0,1] \setminus [0,0] = [0,1]##, which is not in ##\mathcal{A}##.
I hope this example helps to illustrate why##\mathcal{A}## is a semiring but not a ring if the cardinality of E is greater than 1. Is this answer correct?
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  • #2
In order to determine if the set is a semiring you first need to specify exactly what are the addition and multiplication operations.
  • #3
bpet said:
In order to determine if the set is a semiring you first need to specify exactly what are the addition and multiplication operations.
It refers to a semi-ring of sets, defined here, not a semi-ring in the algebraic sense.
WMDhamnekar said:
However, ##\mathcal{A}## is not a ring because it does not satisfy all three conditions for a ring. Specifically, it does not satisfy condition (ii) for a ring, which requires that ##\mathcal{A}## be closed under set difference. For example, let A = [0,0] and B = [0,1], then ## B \setminus A = [0,1] \setminus [0,0] = [0,1]##, which is not in ##\mathcal{A}##.
That is not correct. [0,1] is indeed an element of ##\mathcal A## so this example does not demonstrate non-closure. That example was never going to work because you are subtracting from a set another set that has no overlap with it, so the subtraction doesn't change the set. I don't want to give too much away so I'll keep the hint general. Why not instead try taking the union of two sets to give a set that can't be expressed as any [a, b, ..., c]? Since the whole structure is based on fixing the first n components of a sequence, try choosing two sets that are the same in their first component (##\omega_1##), but differ in their second (##\omega_2##). That should give you a set of all sequences with a fixed second component but arbitrary first component, and that might not correspond to any equivalence class in ##\mathcal A##.

FAQ: How to determine if a set is a semiring or a ring?

What is a semiring?

A semiring is an algebraic structure consisting of a set equipped with two binary operations, typically called addition and multiplication. The set must satisfy certain properties: it must be closed under both operations, addition must be associative and commutative, multiplication must be associative, and multiplication must distribute over addition. Additionally, a semiring must have an additive identity (usually denoted as 0) and may or may not have a multiplicative identity (usually denoted as 1).

What is a ring?

A ring is also an algebraic structure consisting of a set equipped with two binary operations, addition and multiplication, but it has more requirements than a semiring. In addition to the properties of a semiring, a ring must also have an additive inverse for every element, meaning that for every element a in the ring, there exists an element -a such that a + (-a) = 0. A ring may or may not have a multiplicative identity.

How can I check if a set is closed under addition and multiplication?

To check if a set is closed under addition and multiplication, you need to take any two elements from the set and apply both operations. If the result of the operation (either addition or multiplication) is also an element of the set for all possible pairs of elements, then the set is closed under that operation. If it fails for even one pair, then the set is not closed under that operation.

What properties must a set satisfy to be a semiring?

To be classified as a semiring, a set must satisfy the following properties: it must be closed under addition and multiplication, addition must be associative and commutative, multiplication must be associative, and multiplication must distribute over addition. Additionally, there must be an additive identity (0) in the set, though the existence of a multiplicative identity (1) is optional.

What additional properties must a set satisfy to be a ring?

In addition to the properties required for a semiring, a set must have an additive inverse for each of its elements to be classified as a ring. This means that for every element a in the ring, there must exist an element -a such that a + (-a) = 0. Furthermore, a ring may or may not have a multiplicative identity, but if it does, it is referred to as a unital ring or a ring with unity.

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