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Homework Statement
Imagine standing on a scale and riding in an elevator at constant speed in a radial direction from the center of the Earth to a distance 3RE above the surface- I'm supposed to plot weight vs time so what I'm looking for an equation(s) I can use to find weight.
*Assuming uniform desnity
Homework Equations
Earth Radius= 6378100 meters
*the Inverse square law 1/r^2 I think this may come into play
The Attempt at a Solution
I can find the force form gravity but I'm having a hard time deciding if I need to incorporate /how find out the decreasing mass of the Earth as I (the individual) move to the center of the Earth.
I know that at the center of the Earth the weight is 0 because the mass of the Earth is surrounding "me" and is evenly distributed...but other than that I am stuck. Help?