I need a book on basic nursing

  • Thread starter thankz
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In summary, you are looking for a nursing book that teaches you the basics of ECG, ekg, and patient monitors. You are looking for a book that is from the 1950s or 1960s, and you have a partial list of books that you have.
  • #1
I need a book on basic nursing that teaches the use and why's of ecg, ekg and the basics of a patient monitor like: http://www.foremostequipment.com/content/pdfdocs/Bionet/BM3_Brochure%20-%20reduced%20size.pdf
also showing how to use an old style blood pressure cuff is necessary. I don't want to get a whole book on hypertension just to use a blood pressure cuff. when I visted the downtown Miami library I saw a book that came the closest to what I need, it was mosbys book of nursing from the 50s or 60s, I wrote down the isbn but lost it still I don't want that old of a book and all of the nursing books I've been looking at don't contain this basic information. this is the last book on my list.
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
thankz said:
I need a book on basic nursing that teaches the use and why's of ecg, ekg and the basics of a patient monitor like: http://www.foremostequipment.com/content/pdfdocs/Bionet/BM3_Brochure%20-%20reduced%20size.pdf
also showing how to use an old style blood pressure cuff is necessary. I don't want to get a whole book on hypertension just to use a blood pressure cuff. when I visted the downtown Miami library I saw a book that came the closest to what I need, it was mosbys book of nursing from the 50s or 60s, I wrote down the isbn but lost it still I don't want that old of a book and all of the nursing books I've been looking at don't contain this basic information. this is the last book on my list.

Are you thinking about going into nursing, or do you want to find these resources for something different?

EKG and ECG are the same thing, just pronounced in different languages.

Nursing course curricula consist of a number of classes, including anatomy and phisiology (A&P), pharmacology, etc. What of all of that do you want to learn about?
  • #3
I'm trying to self study on the basics of medicine, I bought a book on the fundamentals of nursing but all it is is a 1000 pages on how to show compassion, I want to learn and understand the use of a patient monitor for blood pressure, o2, temp, ecg,reading ect. and the normal ranges and what the readings are used for. I just want one book on this but I can't seem to find it among current texts. I hope this isn't like a medical school secret or something, here's a partial list of what I have packed away since I'm moving, this is the paper books I got on the subject except for one box I have to fill:
  • #4
the art of electronics, 2nd ed
22 radio receiver projects for the evil genius
the art of electronics, 3rd ed
electric circuits fundamentals, 3rd ed
micro-electronic circuits
how to design and build audio amplifers, 2nd ed
the arrl handbook 2005
the robot builders bonanza
experiments with eproms
troubleshooting and repairing computer monitors
the art of digital design, 2nd ed
digital signal processing
digital consumer electronics handbook
electronic troubleshooting and repair handbook
computer system architecture, 2nd ed
microprocessor systems design, 2nd ed
home remote control and automation projects, 2nd ed
low-noise electronic system design
troubleshooting and repairing solid-state tv's
microprocessors and programmed logic
fundamentals of programmable logic controlers, sensors, and communications, 2nd ed
robot builders bonanza, 3rd ed
gordon mccomb's gadgeteer's goldmine
how to use oscilloscopes and other test equipment
electronics pocket referance, 3rd ed
pic in practice
analog devices application referance manual 1993
microprocessor interfacing techniques
oscilloscopes, 5th ed
electronic communication systems, 2nd ed
burr-brown mixed signal product data book 1996/1997
burr-brown linear products data book 1996/1997
printed circuit board materials handbook
solid state radio engineering
high-power audio amplifier construction manual
algebra 1 for dummies
algebra 2 for dummies
geometry for dummies
trigonometry for dummies
pre-calculus for dummies
calculus for dummies
calculus 2 for dummies
probability for dummies
statistics for dummies
statistics 2 for dummies
linear algebra for dummies
differential equations for dummies
ti-89 graphing calculator for dummies
algebra 1 workbook for dummies
algebra 2 workbook for dummies
geometry workbook for dummies
trigonometry workbook for dummies
pre-calculus wookbook for dummies
calculus wookbook for dummies
statistics wookbook for dummies
algebra 2
advanced mathematics
discrete mathematics, 2nd ed
calculus with analytic geometry, 2nd ed
calculus, 6th ed
the humongous book of algebra problems
the humongous book of calculus problems
multivariable calculus
algebra 1
elementary numerical analysis, 2nd ed
mathematics for the physical sciences
a students guide to maxwells equations
mathematical methods in the physical sciences, 2nd ed
elementary algebra, 6th ed
introduction to complex analysis
analytical geometry of three dimensions
differential geometry
introduction to numerical analysis
calculus the easy way
intermediate algebra and analytic geometry made simple
barrons mathematics study dictionary
inside your calculator
calculus instructional dvd's, 8th ed
prealgebra & introductory algebra cd-roms
discrete mathematics dvd
the joy of mathematics dvd
websters american english dictionary
english grammer for dummies
aesop, the complete fables
data structures using c
assembler inside & out
data structures and algorithm analysis
introduction to languages and the theory of computation
the undocumented pc, 2nd ed
the corba referance guide
visual c# 2005
visual basic.net for dummies
learning computer languages
assembly language step-by-step, 2nd ed
ms-dos programmers referance
peter nortons assembly language book for the ibm pc
practical c programming, 3rd ed
the basic handbook, 2nd ed
visual studio 2005 all-in-one desk referance for dummies
gw basic made easy
visual basic 2005
introduction to languages and the theory of computation, 3rd ed
linux companion
beginning linux programming
beginning vb.net, 2nd ed
murach's c# 2005
assembly language master class
introduction to sql, 3rd ed
programmers guide to the ami bios
jamsa's c/c++/c# programmers bible
computer architecture, a quanitive approach, 3rd ed
beginning sql server 2012 programming
beginning visual basic 2012
the com and com+ programming primer
tcp/ip sockets in c
the design of the unix operating system
the design and implementation of the 4.4 bsd operating system
introduction to risc assembly language programming
learn windows powershell in a month of lunches, 2nd ed
python 2.1 bible
computer systems, a programmers perspective, 2nd ed
perl by example, 5th ed
php5 and mysql bible
css, the definitive guide, 3rd ed
javascript bible, 7th ed
programming in c, 4th ed
java 2 bible
linux shell scripting with bash
c/c++, 2nd ed
html5, up and running
mongodb basics
encyclopedia of computer science, 4th ed
fundamentals of programming, an introduction to computer programming using c++
introduction to algorithms
perl, cgi, and javascript complete
thinking in c++, 2nd ed vol 1
the undocumented pc
pci system architecture, 3rd ed
programming and customizing the pic microcontroller
interfacing pic microcontrollers, 2nd ed
electronic drafting and printed circuit board design, 2nd ed
signals and linear systems, 2nd ed
electronics math
basic electronics engineering, 2nd ed
troubleshooting & repairing vcr's, 4th ed
the audiophiles project sourcebook
leonard maltins 2015 movie guide
apache, the definitive guide, 2nd ed
it managers handbook, 3rd ed
windows server 2008 security, resource kit
windows registry guide, 2nd ed
hacking exposed
red hat linux 7.2, 2nd ed
mcsa windows server 2012r2
red hat linux 9 bible
pbx systems for ip telephony
rhcsa/rhce red hat linux certification guide, 6th ed
windows 2000 security design
the practice of system and network administration, 2nd ed
linux command
ethernet, the definitive guide
upgrading and repairing pc's, 11th ed
unix and linux system administration handbook, 4th ed
computer networking, 5th ed
oracle solaris 11 system administration
debian gnu/linux 3.1 bible
mcse windows server 2003 certification kit
bsd hacks
exchange sever 2007 for dummies
freebsd handbook, 3rd ed vol 1
freebsd handbook, 3rd ed vol 2
creatine and other natural muscle boosters
lord of the rings, part one
dr. axelrods mini-atlas of freshwater aquarium fishes
mini encyclopedia, the tropical aquaruim
frogs, toads and treefrogs
a golden guide, tropical fish
the survival manual for the floyd rose tremolo
electricity and magnetism, 2nd ed
dictionary of physics, 3rd ed
Newtonian mechanics
an introduction to mechanics, 2nd ed
master handbook of acoustics, 5th ed
physics, 4th ed vol 1
physics, 4th ed vol 2 extended
physics, selected solutions 4th ed vol 1 & 2 extended
interferometry,, 2nd ed
engineering electromagnetics, 6th ed
ultrasonic instruments & devices
solid state physics, 2nd ed
introduction to classical and modern optics
an introduction to thermal physics
lasers, principles and applications
introduction to elementery particles, 2nd ed
studying engineering, 3rd ed
physics of semiconductor devices, 2nd ed
physics 1 for dummies
physics 2 for dummies
vibrations and waves
physics of atoms and molecules, 2nd ed
a treatise on electricity and magnetism, vol 1
understanding fiber optics, 3rd ed
liquid crystal displays, fundamental physics and technology
introduction to quantum mechanics, 2nd ed
the cornell book of cats
atm, theory and application
telecom systems
signaling system #7, 6th ed
is-95 cdma and cdma 2000
pic microcontrollers, know it all
modern pharmacology with clinical applications, 6th ed
introduction to genetic principles
principles of biochemistry, 5th ed
basic neurochemistry, 6th ed
principles of microbiology, 2nd ed
chemistry, 10th ed
human anatomy & physiology, 8th ed
principles of neural science, 5th ed
current protocols, essential laboratory techniques
biology, 9th ed
fundamentals of general, organic and biological chemistry, 6th ed
chemistry of the elements, 2nd ed
general chemistry
the human genome, a users guide, 3rd ed
mosby's manual of diagnostic and laboratory tests, 4th ed
introductory plant biology, 12th ed
physicians desk referance, 67th ed
handbook of fish diseases
a guide to dissection of the human body, 2nd ed
the merck manual, 17th ed
the lt spice iv simulator
  • #5
Wow, that's a lot of books! :smile:

Instead of a nursing book, it sounds like an EMT Intro book would serve your interests. Here is a classic -- you may be able to find used versions that are fairly inexpensive...

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  • #6
I found it on barnes&noble for $6.34 w/ shipping, I briefly looked at the table of contents and it had a chapter on baseline vital signs, this might be what I want but I figure it's so cheap I can just throw it away if its not what I'm looking for, thanks.
  • #7
Wow, that's a great price! BTW, if you end up with questions as you read through that book, post them in the Medical Sciences forum here on the PF, and you will get great responses. :smile:
  • #8
ok I got the emt-basic book today and all it really shows is how to take blood pressure. doctors, if one of you could tell me the appropriate book for the how, why and use of a patient monitor that would be great.

  • #9
thankz said:
ok I got the emt-basic book today and all it really shows is how to take blood pressure. doctors, if one of you could tell me the appropriate book for the how, why and use of a patient monitor that would be great.


You mean you want to learn more about interpreting EKGs (ECGs)? A typical patient monitor will show the EKG, Pulse, Oxygen Saturation %, and maybe a few more things. You don't really need a book to learn about those things -- you should be able to find tutorials and YouTube videos on how to interpret them (although EKG interpretation has many levels, from simple 2-lead to very complex 12-lead EKGs).

  • #10
I need a book for reference, I don't like learning about medicine from youtube :-p
  • #11
thankz said:
I need a book for reference, I don't like learning about medicine from youtube :-p

LOL. Maybe download a manual for a typical monitor? I'll look around some to see if I can find something better for you. What-all vital signs are you wanting to understand?
  • #12
everything on the patient monitor in the first post or better, I'm thinking I should just visit my local hospital and ask a doctor, when I have the money I'm buying a patient monitor and and a ultrasound machine. I already have the books and know where to get more if I need on the ultrasound machine. I have an 800gig e-book library on hdd and backup media.
  • #13
What are you going to use the patient monitor for?
  • #14
to read vital signs silly :smile: mine and others. I have a book and chart on bloodwork among other things I am learning to analyze, my next stop after I get out of school is to figure out how these devices work all the way up to nmri, another goal I have is to figure out the myelin nerve structure, I figure it's the easiest path to connect straight to the brain as my eventual goal is to reverse engineer the cns and figure out phramokaneticks and brain blood barrier drug delivery also I might get an idea or two about new or novel drugs. this is more or less just a hobby but I need something to take up my time after ee, cs and mba in school. note, I don't want to be and actual doctor but a researcher, I only want to dissect 4 bodies and collaborate with medical chemists on drug development.:biggrin:

edit: I want to give you access to my private web server so you can see what I already got, plus the paper books posted above and more not listed yet, if you want to take a look or d/l something let me know.
  • #15
thankz said:
to read vital signs silly :smile: mine and others. I have a book and chart on bloodwork among other things I am learning to analyze, my next stop after I get out of school is to figure out how these devices work all the way up to nmri, another goal I have is to figure out the myelin nerve structure, I figure it's the easiest path to connect straight to the brain as my eventual goal is to reverse engineer the cns and figure out phramokaneticks and brain blood barrier drug delivery also I might get an idea or two about new or novel drugs. this is more or less just a hobby but I need something to take up my time after ee, cs and mba in school. note, I don't want to be and actual doctor but a researcher, I only want to dissect 4 bodies and collaborate with medical chemists on drug development.:biggrin:

edit: I want to give you access to my private web server so you can see what I already got, plus the paper books posted above and more not listed yet, if you want to take a look or d/l something let me know.

Ambitious! Have you considered Biomedical Engineering as a field of study? It sounds like that's the direction you are headed.

Instead of the EMT-level Mosby textbook, it sounds like you would benefit from the Paramedic versions:


Things like pulse ox and EKG and end-tidal CO2, etc., are more typically handled by paramedics rather than EMTs. Maybe have a look through the indexes of the Mosby Paramedic books to see if they cover more of the vitals you are interested in.

Do you already have the User's Manuals for a few typical monitors (like the Zoll E-series)? Which monitor are you looking at buying?
  • #16
no more books I don't need please :biggrin: wait till you hear about my stem cell and genetics engineering ambitions :-p, the point is I believe I have the right combination to lead and provide the money, management, resources, ideas and vision to make a successful company (and most importantly make LOTS of money), I think 12 years of school is enough to get me started, i'll get the rest now I just have to raise 2.5 mil for school (calling all billionaires!), when I get out of school I want to start by selling IT systems to the DoD then i'll have enough money to peruse my other interests. where is paul allen when you need him? :rolleyes:

yes I want to be a billionaire.
  • #17
I just ordered:
Physical Examination & Health Assessment, 5e (Jarvis, Physical Examination & Health Assessment)

Skills Performance Checklists for Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, 7e

Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques, 7th Editionfor a total of $13.66 w/ shipping, well see if these cover what I want.
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  • #18
here are the rest of my books, I've uploaded a xls file with the isbn's for those who might be interested in a book.

microelectronic circuits, 7th ed
electric circuits, 8th ed
banking systems, 2nd ed
clinical nursing skills & techniques, 7th ed
physical examination & health assessment, 5th ed
jane's avionics, 19th ed
understanding business, 10th ed
essentials of entrepreneneurship and small business management, 6th ed
multinational management, a strategic approach, 6th ed
organic chemistry, 7th ed
money, banking and the financial system
basic materials in music theory, a programed course, 11th ed
autocad 2000 bible
investigating chemistry, a forensic science perspective, 2nd ed
forensic chemistry
management, a practical introduction, 4th ed
intermediate accounting, 7th ed
genetics, from genes to genomes, 3rd ed
modern banking
introduction to automata theory, languages, and computation, 2nd ed
the jazz standards, a guide to the repertoire
introduction to abstract harmonic analysis
introduction to real analysis
introduction to topology, 3rd ed
a book of set theory
functional analysis
control theory, a guided tour
paradoxes, 3rd ed
dod security clearance and contracts guidebook
getting started in computer consulting
the self publishing manual, 10th ed
memoirs of a defence contractor
tobaccco merchant
sarbanes-oxley for dummies, 2nd ed
hacking healthcare
building speaker systems, 2nd ed
the consulting bible
fl studio power
the penguin guide to recorded classical music 2009
andean cocaine
the womans encyclopedia of myths and secrets
crystal fire
information technology defence contracting
liquid gold
mastering electronics workbench
emt-basic textbook, 2nd ed
how to grow your own tabacco
mozarts brain and the fighter pilot
the color atlas of human anatomy
auto repair for dummies, 2nd ed
complete car car manual
excel 2000, the complete referance
excel vba programming for dummies, 3rd ed
rolling stone, 34 selections from the 100 greatest guitar songs of all time
Cellular and Molecular Immunology, 8e
The Protein Folding Problem and Its Solutions
Electromyography for Experimentalists
Dissection of the Frog 2nd Edition
Laboratory anatomy of the frog 3rd Edition
USB Complete: The Developer's Guide (Complete Guides series) Fifth Edition
The Ten-Day MBA
Quantum Computing: A Gentle Introduction
Practical Electrophysiology 1st Edition
Cancer Drug Design and Discovery, Second Edition
Chemical Technicians' Ready Reference Handbook, 5th Edition
Contract Law
Federal Contracting Made Easy, 3rd Edition
Glossary: Defense acquisition acronyms and terms
Masters of the Game: Inside the World's Most Powerful Law Firm
Spies for Hire: The Secret World of Intelligence Outsourcing
Newnes Electronics Assembly Handbook
Imaginary Weapons: A Journey Through the Pentagon's Scientific Underworld
Drugs and Poisons in Humans: A Handbook of Practical Analysis 2005th Edition
Introduction to Pharmaceutical Chemical Analysis
The Analysis of Controlled Substances
Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins Of The Internet


  • Book1.xlsx
    22.5 KB · Views: 431
  • #19
just got to get:

100mhz 4 channel scope
programable 2 channel 50mhz function generator
ni usb daq dac/adc i/o
logic probe
basic labware
pcr and regents
patiant monitor
ultasound machine
4 servers, 16 port switch, firewall
full-dupex color laser printer, hi volume, ethernet
midi keyboard w/pitch pads & volacity
phantom powered vocal mic
boss programable effects pedal /w vol wah and midi
disection kit
latex gloves

I have about 1 TB of books and other data/media on all other topics not shown here (spent 20 years collecting)

funny thing is the town I'm in I can't get a job as a cashier, hopefully . when I move things will pan out with a sys admin job paying at least 40k. still got 20k in equip to buy while I'm learning on my own, then after 5 years of study it'll be time for uni which will cost 720k at least if I can get a locked in rate not including living expenses. I have all these rich people talking to me about money, but now the ball is in their court, if they want to make money off of me I need to see an investment because so far everything's been paid for out of my pocket.

FAQ: I need a book on basic nursing

What topics are typically covered in a basic nursing book?

Basic nursing books cover a wide range of topics including anatomy and physiology, patient care techniques, medication administration, health assessments, and nursing ethics. They also often include information on communication skills, documentation, and legal aspects of nursing practice.

Are there any recommended books for beginners in the field of nursing?

Yes, there are several highly recommended books for beginners in nursing. Some popular titles include "Fundamentals of Nursing" by Patricia A. Potter and Anne Griffin Perry, "Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning" by Pearson Education, and "Basic Nursing: Concepts, Skills & Reasoning" by Leslie S. Treas and Judith M. Wilkinson.

Can I find e-books or online resources for basic nursing?

Yes, there are many e-books and online resources available for basic nursing. These can be accessed through various platforms such as Amazon Kindle, Google Play Books, and websites of nursing organizations. Some online resources may require a subscription or payment, while others may be available for free.

How can a basic nursing book help me in my career as a nurse?

A basic nursing book can provide you with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary for a successful career in nursing. It can help you understand the principles of patient care, develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and prepare for nursing exams and certifications. It can also serve as a reference guide for ongoing learning and development in the field of nursing.

Are there any specific features to look for in a basic nursing book?

When selecting a basic nursing book, it is important to look for features such as clear and concise explanations, practice questions and case studies, relevant and up-to-date information, and illustrations or diagrams to aid in understanding complex concepts. It can also be helpful to read reviews and recommendations from other nurses or educators in the field.
