Is anything in the physical world infinite?

In summary: Are you saying that if the universe is infinite in size, the number of particles in it must be infinite as well?
  • #36
Dale said:
That is indeed a valid point but since the word “infinitesimals” is commonly used when describing such limits ...
Not by mathematics students. A major breakthrough in 19th mathematics was to develop calculus on a rigorous basis without recourse to "infinities" or "infinitesimals".

"Infinity" appears as a term in standard real analysis, but only in terms of the properties of real numbers. For example, in the construction ##n \rightarrow \infty##, there is in fact to appeal to a mathematical object called ##\infty##.
Physics news on
  • #38
PeroK said:
For example, in the construction n→∞,
This is still a limit. I understand your point but I don’t think it is important for this thread specifically nor to physics generally.

PeroK said:
A major breakthrough in 19th mathematics was to develop calculus on a rigorous basis without recourse to "infinities" or "infinitesimals".
You may consider it a breakthrough. I consider it a step backwards that mathematical pedagogy has still not overcome.
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  • #39
Vanadium 50 said:
Which plank are you ralking about?

If you want to talk about the Planck length, nothing magical happens there. I wish people would stop saying otherwise. The Planck resistance is 30 ohms. Nothing magic happens there.
Vanadium 50 said:
That was a typo, I swear. I know how to spell Planck.

And mea culpa re: hand waving Planck length. That was sloppy of me.

But my point remains, in the physical world there are limits to precision. At the very least, atoms and wavelengths will limit actual measurements.
It doesn't mean we won't refine our tools but that's not the same as saying things are infinitesimal or that measurements can be infinitely precise.
  • #40
DaveC426913 said:
in the physical world there are limits to precision
If for no other reason, because it would take infinitely long to write down the decimal expansion of an infinitely precise result.
  • #41
Remaining in the physical realm, the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) can be offered as an example of an infinite unlimited, as far as our instruments detect, electromagnetic system.

[edit: corrected language to match the original post.]
  • #42
Klystron said:
Remaining in the physical realm, the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) can be offered as an example of an infinite, as far as our instruments detect, electromagnetic system.
Infinite in what way?
  • #43
PeroK said:
Infinite in what way?
See correction. I meant to use unlimited as in the OP.

We detect the CMBR In every direction as far as we can see.
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  • #44
Klystron said:
In every direction. As far as we detect.
At the risk of being glib, how is that any more significant than simply saying everything within my personal field of view (be it sky, ground, or my own feet) is an unlimited EM system?
  • #45
DaveC426913 said:
But my point remains
In my view, it is either wrong or at best confusing and unhelpful. One can measure things smaller than atoms - which, by the way, is a completely different claim than your original one about Planck units.
  • #46
As a PS, Dave, you have well and truly hijacked this thread.
  • #47
Vanadium 50 said:
In my view, it is either wrong or at best confusing and unhelpful. One can measure things smaller than atoms - which, by the way, is a completely different claim than your original one about Planck units.
I wasn't suggesting one can't measure things smaller than atoms. Sorry if it seemed that way.

It sort of turns on what one means by an "infinity in the real world". Everyone seems to keep coming up with theoretical ideas, none of which sound like they would survive an actual demonstration (especially the ones that require infinite time to execute).

Vanadium 50 said:
As a PS, Dave, you have well and truly hijacked this thread.
I don't see how that is possible. It am directly, literally addressing the OP's question.

Now, if you mean I am dominating the thread with my views, that's something different from hijacking.
  • #48
DaveC426913 said:
I am dominating the thread
The PF way -- everyone has to make sure that their two cents worth is taken seriously.
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  • #49
DaveC426913 said:
At the risk of being glib, how is that any more significant than simply saying everything within my personal field of view (be it sky, ground, or my own feet) is an unlimited EM system?
Sorry, you lost me. The CMBR, first detected IMS in 1963 using a modified radar receiver, has no significant relation to your examples. Within our technological limits we detect the CMBR in all directions as far as we can see.

If you mean to argue that all EMR emissions in free space propagate unlimitedly, then I tend to agree except that EMR eventually dissipates below threshold of detection. According to Weinberg, Wilson and Dicke, among others, the CMBR persists since shortly after the Big Bang.

I also considered offering 'cosmic rays' as an example but disqualified them since theoretically cosmic rays have preferred directions and identifiable sources such as stellar objects, supernovae, galactic cores, etc. While pervasive, cosmic rays have distinct limits compared to CMBR.
  • #50
Godot_ said:
While it's way easier to use math to prove it, it still is observable in the physical world - down to the best precision your measuring instrument permits. And when you then build a more finely graded instrument, you can open the next can... infinitum.
It is only ad infinitum in theory. This is explicitly about what exists.

Again, the OP is not asking about theoretical infinities or near infinities; that is a trivial question to answer.

He is asking if there is anything in the physical world that is infinite. "can" and "might" don't cut it here.
That is entire crux of this thread (interpreting the opening post).
  • #51
There is no neccessity to believe that the approximations of calculus hold in the domain of the extremely small. Physics is based on the "close enough for jazz" principle. If this is ever found to be wrong it will be celebrated as a fertile source of PhD topics.

I used to think that "infinity" was naught but a useful shorthand until observations combined with theoretical considerations showed that the Universe itself might very well be infinite. I wouldn't give up on a proof. Maybe someone will come up with a way of showing that if the Universe is not flat then a contradiction results.

Real numbers aren't at all real. They are useful and traditional shorthand for successive approximations. On the other hand, imaginary numbers are fundamental and not at all imaginary. In physics one learns to place no weight on names. In physics names evolve randomly and often have a meaning unrelated to or even opposite their original purpose. This is an endless source of confusion to outsiders. You just have to get used to it.

When explaining such things to outsiders I often begin with telling them they have to clear their mind of any meaning of things like "particle" and start with a blank slate. Their original conception is an obstacle that will block all learning.
  • #52
Hornbein said:
There is no neccessity to believe that the approximations of calculus hold in the domain of the extremely small.
There is also no necessity to disbelieve. And since the calculus models do work and non-calculus models don’t, the belief has merit.
  • #53
Klystron said:
Within our technological limits we detect the CMBR in all directions as far as we can see.
The detected CMBR is a finite number of photons per second. It can't be otherwise is the point.
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  • #54
I want to 'like' the last post but cannot find an emoji for "Duh".
  • #55
Here's an example of the difference between maths and physics.

If we imagine one event at time ##\frac 1 2## second. Then another event at time ##\frac 3 4## second. A third event at time ##\frac 7 8## second etc. Then, mathematically we have an infinite sequence of events within ##1## second.

But, you cannot do this physically. You might argue that there is no limit to how quickly the events can happen one after the other. Whatever limit anyone specifies you might be able to do better. But, you cannot go on indefinitely making the increment smaller and smaller. If you try to generate an infinite number of events in finite time, you must hit a limit somewhere.

One example might be how fast a computer can count. It's impossible to put an absolute limit on it, but any given computer must have a limit.
  • #56
Concur. Another non-electromagnetic physical example to answer the OP occurred to me while falling asleep: the fractal length of the coast of England*.

This measurement proceeds merrily using smaller then tinier 'fractal angles' to increase the measured length but eventually encounters some practical limit. Dale's first post succinctly addresses this contretemps, but this thread has been instructive.

*Tradition uses England or Madagascar in geometry textbooks. Any island makes an example.
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  • #57
PeroK said:
If you try to generate an infinite number of events in finite time, you must hit a limit somewhere.
Is that true if the events are not at the same place in space? I'm thinking spacetime rather than time.

If there are an infinite number of stars, isn't there collectively an infinite number of scattering events within those stars at each second of time? (Dodging the question of how to define a second in that context.)

So I'm thinking that you must hit a limit only if you constrain the events to be contained at the same place.
  • #58
anorlunda said:
If there are an infinite number of stars, isn't there collectively an infinite number of scattering events within those stars at each second of time? (Dodging the question of how to define a second in that context.)
That's a big if. Let's assume it's true. Describe your experiment. How do you organise such as experiment. It's not enough, IMO, to wave your hands at the infinite cosmos and say it's happening!
  • #59
anorlunda said:
Is that true if the events are not at the same place in space? I'm thinking spacetime rather than time.

If there are an infinite number of stars, isn't there collectively an infinite number of scattering events within those stars at each second of time? (Dodging the question of how to define a second in that context.)
Simpler. If we accept the overarching premise that the universe is infinite in extent, then infinite phenomena in space (or in space time) are as trivial to find as snowflakes underfoot in winter.
  • #60
Here's a thought. If we assume that classical mechanics were correct, then a particle in motion would represent an uncountably infinite sequence of events every second - simply by virtue of being at every point ##x(t)##.

That implies that nature is generating an infinite amount of information (re that particle) and it's only our experimental constraints that pick out a finite sample.

However, if QM is correct, then it is meaningless to talk about that classical trajectory and the only information that nature generates is the finite information that we obtain from our experiments.

And, if we apply QM principles to an infinite universe, then it may be equally meaningless to talk about those events as happening unless we obtain information about them by experiment.

In a way, the underlying principles of QM put a finite limit on what we can say about even an infinite universe.
  • #61
PeroK said:
That's a big if. Let's assume it's true. Describe your experiment. How do you organise such as experiment. It's not enough, IMO, to wave your hands at the infinite cosmos and say it's happening!
I said before that the speculation that the universe is infinite can never be confirmed.
But neither could a limit on the number of events per second in a single spot be used to give evidence about the extent of the universe.
  • #62
anorlunda said:
I said before that the speculation that the universe is infinite can never be confirmed.
But neither could a limit on the number of events per second in a single spot be used to give evidence about the extent of the universe.
The question is what experiment do you have in mind to detect and count the infinite number of events?
  • #63
PeroK said:
Here's an example of the difference between maths and physics.

If we imagine one event at time ##\frac 1 2## second. Then another event at time ##\frac 3 4## second. A third event at time ##\frac 7 8## second etc. Then, mathematically we have an infinite sequence of events within ##1## second.

But, you cannot do this physically. You might argue that there is no limit to how quickly the events can happen one after the other. Whatever limit anyone specifies you might be able to do better. But, you cannot go on indefinitely making the increment smaller and smaller. If you try to generate an infinite number of events in finite time, you must hit a limit somewhere.

One example might be how fast a computer can count. It's impossible to put an absolute limit on it, but any given computer must have a limit.
I have not read every post. Does your point apply the the Planck length also?

Is Planck length/2 a meaningless statement in terms of existence rather than measurement?

It is there we could just never measure it?
  • #64
pinball1970 said:
Is Planck length/2 a meaningless statement in terms of existence rather than measurement?

It is there we could just never measure it?
What does it mean for a thing to be "there" if you cannot measure it?

I'll leave to one side the question of whether it is theoretically possible to measure with precision better than the Planck length.

To me the answer is that Planck length / 2 is there in the model. But the model may have features beyond what the reality requires.
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  • #65
jbriggs444 said:
What does it mean for a thing to be "there" if you cannot measure it?

There are things in the universe that we cannot measure that are there like very distant galaxies? Or strings? Dark matter?

What I am asking is, is it not possible for something to exist, to be “there” unless we can measure it?
jbriggs444 said:
To me the answer is that Planck length / 2 is there in the model. But the model may have features beyond what the reality requires.

Ok. So mathematically logical (0.8 x 10-35) but not relating to reality?

I looked at Planck length on wiki...

Gravity and QM??

Black holes?

Obviously completely out of my depth on that so I will take your word for it. EDIT: There a lot of Planck length threads on PF I will look at
  • #66
If you define "infinite" as "going on forever", yes: the discussions on PF about the ontology of quantum mechanics.
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  • #67
pinball1970 said:
There are things in the universe that we cannot measure that are there like very distant galaxies? Or strings? Dark matter?
We suspect there are. It makes our theories simpler to assume that there are. But the true state of affairs is "we do not know".
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  • #68
Drakkith said:
The number of partitions something continuous can be divided into, such the space between two points or part of the electromagnetic spectrum, is infinite.
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the concept, but with the electromagnetic spectrum, can it really be partitioned into an infinite number? Is it not constrained by the shortest wavelength?
  • #69
Melbourne Guy said:
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the concept, but with the electromagnetic spectrum, can it really be partitioned into an infinite number? Is it not constrained by the shortest wavelength?
Yes, though I think what you are getting at is that we cannot measure the difference between two possibly different wavelengths to infinite precision. So, for all we know, there might only be finitely many possible wavelengths.
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  • #70
Melbourne Guy said:
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the concept, but with the electromagnetic spectrum, can it really be partitioned into an infinite number? Is it not constrained by the shortest wavelength?
Within the classical theory of EM there is no such thing as the shortest possible wavelength. Or the longest.

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