I've got Alerts, Alert preferences, Mark all as read. How to make it....

  • Thread starter mcastillo356
  • Start date
In summary, the speaker is a new user on a forum and is having trouble understanding how to mark messages as read. They received alerts and are unsure how to handle them. Another user suggests adjusting preferences and provides a link for disabling unwanted alerts. The speaker also mentions a link for manually marking all messages as read.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hello, I am new in this forum, though very active. I am an student from Spain. I must pass one exam before entering university. I am 55 years old. As I am new, there are things I don't understand. Today I've got alerts: I must mark as read a lot of messages, and I don't know how. Can you tell me how?
Thank you!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Click the bell icon to get the alert popup. In the bottom right there should be a Preferences link - click that. Scroll through preferences until you find these two options:

Alerts pop-up skips mark read
Alerts page skips mark read

Make sure at least one of them is not ticked. If the first one is not ticked, opening the alert popup will mark all alerts as read. If the second one is unticked, following the Show all link at the bottom left of the alert popup will mark all alerts as read.

I prefer to have the first ticked and the second unticked. That way I can check my alerts in the popup, read the ones I want to read, and go to Show all if there are any I want to ignore.
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  • #3
Thanks, Ibix!
  • #4
Visiting the thread clears out the unread status of all messages in this thread, not sure if if it is possible to clear them out manually.
  • #5
You can disable alerts you don't want to get https://www.physicsforums.com/account/preferences#alerts

The https://www.physicsforums.com/account/alerts has a link "Mark all as read", too.

FAQ: I've got Alerts, Alert preferences, Mark all as read. How to make it....

1. How do I set up alerts for specific types of notifications?

To set up alerts for specific types of notifications, go to your alert preferences and select the types of notifications you want to receive alerts for. You can also choose how you want to receive these alerts, such as through email or text message.

2. Can I customize my alert preferences?

Yes, you can customize your alert preferences by selecting which types of notifications you want to receive alerts for and how you want to receive them. You can also choose the frequency of these alerts, such as receiving them immediately or in a daily digest.

3. How can I mark all notifications as read?

To mark all notifications as read, go to the "Mark all as read" option in your notification settings. This will clear all unread notifications from your list.

4. How do I turn off alerts for certain notifications?

To turn off alerts for certain notifications, go to your alert preferences and deselect the types of notifications you no longer want to receive alerts for. This will stop alerts for those specific notifications.

5. Can I receive alerts for notifications from specific users?

Yes, you can receive alerts for notifications from specific users by selecting the option to receive alerts for notifications from specific users in your alert preferences. You can then choose which users you want to receive alerts from.

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