- #1
member 428835
Hi PF!
In Mathematica and given the code below, I am trying to the real part of ##\sigma##, ##Re(\sigma)##, in stead of simply ##\sigma##. Any help would be awesome! Here's what I have:
In Mathematica and given the code below, I am trying to the real part of ##\sigma##, ##Re(\sigma)##, in stead of simply ##\sigma##. Any help would be awesome! Here's what I have:
n = 3;
ContourPlot[(\[Sigma]^2 -
2 (n - 1) (2 n + 1) \[Epsilon] \[Sigma] + (n - 1) n (n + 2)) ((
BesselJ[n + 1/2, Sqrt[\[Sigma]/\[Epsilon]]])/
BesselJ[n + 3/2, Sqrt[\[Sigma]/\[Epsilon]]] - 2) +
4 (n - 1)^2 (n + 1) \[Epsilon] \[Sigma] == 0, {\[Epsilon], 0,
1.5}, {\[Sigma], 0, 7}]
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