Matter Anti-Matter Annihilation

In summary, matter-antimatter annihilation is a fundamental physical process in which a particle of matter and its corresponding antiparticle collide, resulting in their complete conversion into energy, typically in the form of gamma rays. This interaction exemplifies Einstein's mass-energy equivalence principle, represented by the equation E=mc². The process is highly efficient, releasing vast amounts of energy, and is of significant interest in both theoretical physics and potential applications in advanced energy technologies and particle physics research.
  • #1
The pure energy coming from a collision and how is it measured or is it just "A Formula" and is any of that energy Dark Energy or even Dark Matter, the reason for the question is because the Dark Energy/Matter vs normal Energy/Matter seems to align with what is seen now after the Big Bang Annihilation. Does anyone know of a research into this field.
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  • #2
rocketwaveuk said:
The pure energy coming from a collision and how is it measured or is it just "A Formula" and is any of that energy Dark Energy or even Dark Matter, the reason for the question is because the Dark Energy/Matter vs normal Energy/Matter seems to align with what is seen now after the Big Bang Annihilation. Does anyone know of a research into this field.
The result of matter-antimatter collisions is not "pure energy" but rather energy carried by particles of the Standard Model. From a discussion of matter-antimatter annihilation for rocket propulsion
"Not all of that energy can be utilized by any realistic propulsion technology because of the nature of the annihilation products. While electron–positron reactions result in gamma ray photons, these are difficult to direct and use for thrust. In reactions between protons and antiprotons, their energy is converted largely into relativistic neutral and charged pions. The neutral pions decay almost immediately (with a lifetime of 85 attoseconds) into high-energy photons, but the charged pions decay more slowly (with a lifetime of 26 nanoseconds) and can be deflected magnetically to produce thrust.
Charged pions ultimately decay into a combination of neutrinos (carrying about 22% of the energy of the charged pions) and unstable charged muons (carrying about 78% of the charged pion energy), with the muons then decaying into a combination of electrons, positrons and neutrinos (cf. muon decay; the neutrinos from this decay carry about 2/3 of the energy of the muons, meaning that from the original charged pions, the total fraction of their energy converted to neutrinos by one route or another would be about 0.22 + (2/3)⋅0.78 = 0.74).

No mention of "dark energy" or "dark matter".
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Likes ohwilleke, mfb, PeroK and 1 other person
  • #3
Matter antimatter annihilation has nothing to do with either dark energy or dark matter. What led you to believe it did?
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Likes ohwilleke, PeroK and berkeman
  • #4
sorry if i confused you , i asked some questions , i did not state any belief, and also gave the reason at the end for the question.
renormalize was kind enough to answer with a explanation i can understand.
  • #5

rocketwaveuk said:
pure energy

there is no such thing, just like there is no "pure velocity", etc.
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Likes ohwilleke, berkeman and Vanadium 50

FAQ: Matter Anti-Matter Annihilation

What is matter-antimatter annihilation?

Matter-antimatter annihilation is a process that occurs when a particle of matter collides with its corresponding antiparticle. This interaction results in the complete conversion of their mass into energy, typically in the form of gamma-ray photons, according to Einstein's equation E=mc². This process is highly efficient and releases a significant amount of energy.

What are examples of matter and antimatter particles?

Common examples of matter particles include electrons, protons, and neutrons. Their corresponding antiparticles are positrons (for electrons), antiprotons (for protons), and antineutrons (for neutrons). Each antiparticle has the same mass as its matter counterpart but opposite charge and quantum numbers.

Why is antimatter so rare in the universe?

Antimatter is rare in the universe primarily due to the asymmetry between matter and antimatter known as baryon asymmetry. Theoretical models suggest that during the Big Bang, equal amounts of matter and antimatter should have been produced, but for reasons not yet fully understood, matter became dominant, leading to the scarcity of antimatter in the observable universe.

How is antimatter produced in laboratories?

Antimatter can be produced in laboratories using particle accelerators. When particles are accelerated to high energies and collide, they can create various particle-antiparticle pairs, including positrons and antiprotons. These antiparticles can then be captured and stored for research purposes, although the quantities produced are extremely small.

What are the potential applications of matter-antimatter annihilation?

The potential applications of matter-antimatter annihilation are primarily in the fields of energy generation and medical imaging. In theory, antimatter could be used as a highly efficient fuel source due to the vast amounts of energy released during annihilation. Additionally, positron emission tomography (PET) scans utilize positrons for imaging in medical diagnostics, showcasing a practical application of antimatter in healthcare.

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