Name the 11 dimensions in M-Theory.

In summary, the other dimensions are supposedly spatial, but it's unclear what they are or how they work.
  • #1
Through a period of 60 years we developed quantum physics that enables us to imagine far beyond the capacity of an ordinary human mind. Quantum physics developed several String theories that were united in creation of M-Theory. M-Theory invovles 11 dimensions including the 4 dimensions that control our natural world (length, breadth, height, and time). I was wondering if someone can provide me with the names, measurement, and describtion of the other 7. Thank you for your answer and time.
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  • #2
i am a new to the world of physics and i would really much like to understand stuff that i don't quite seem to understand but can reason with. so please be cautious if i mentioned anything out of hand and sounding "dumb". thank you =X
  • #3
Four dimensions: [tex]x,y,z,t[/tex]
7 other dimensions : [tex]w_1,w_2,w_3,w_4,w_5,w_6,w_7[/tex]
  • #4
They don't have names, and they haven't been measured. I don't know string theory, but the elegant universe describes the 10-dimensional spacetime as the familiar 4-dimensional spacetime with a 6-dimensional Calabi-Yau space attached to each point. It isn't really possible for someone who hasn't studied a lot of math to understand what that is. The 11th dimension of M-theory is apparently something even stranger.
  • #5
It has been argued that time may infact be 3 dimensions and not one. That past, present and future are like hight width and depth leaving 5 dimensions to be named instead of 7.
  • #6
Keluas said:
It has been argued that time may infact be 3 dimensions and not one. That past, present and future are like hight width and depth leaving 5 dimensions to be named instead of 7.
That makes no sense at all. The extra dimensions in the string theories are spatial dimensions, and your claim isn't even consistent with the definition of the word "dimension".
  • #7
This question is asked in here often enough I think maybe the Authorities should consider finding a really good explanation and making it a FAQ sticky or something.

FAQ: Name the 11 dimensions in M-Theory.

What is M-Theory and why is it important?

M-Theory is a theoretical framework in physics that attempts to unify the five different string theories into one overarching theory. It is important because it has the potential to explain the fundamental nature of the universe and solve many long-standing problems in physics.

How many dimensions are there in M-Theory?

M-Theory proposes that there are 11 dimensions in our universe, including the three dimensions of space and one dimension of time that we experience in our daily lives.

Can you name the 11 dimensions in M-Theory?

The 11 dimensions in M-Theory are: 1) the three dimensions of space (length, width, and height), 2) the dimension of time, 3) six additional dimensions that are compactified or curled up and hidden from our perception, and 4) the eleventh dimension, known as the "brane" or bulk, which is the space in which the other dimensions exist.

How do these 11 dimensions interact with each other?

According to M-Theory, the 11 dimensions interact with each other through a process called brane collision. This occurs when two branes (higher-dimensional objects) collide and cause a release of energy, resulting in a Big Bang-like expansion of our universe.

Is there any evidence for the existence of these 11 dimensions?

Currently, there is no direct evidence for the existence of these 11 dimensions. However, M-Theory has made predictions that have been supported by experiments, such as the existence of supersymmetric particles. Further research and experiments are needed to fully confirm the existence of these dimensions.

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