Quantum Mechanics Explains Refraction of Light Through Glass

In summary, there has been a discussion about the refraction of light through glass and the difference in refraction between higher and lower frequency light. The reason for this difference is because the refractive index of a substance changes with different wavelengths of light, as the velocity of light varies in different mediums. This can be explained using Snell's law, which shows the relationship between the angles and velocities of light in different mediums. Additionally, the change in speed of each frequency is influenced by the material it travels through and how it interacts with the material. Further understanding of Quantum Mechanics can provide more insight into this topic, and the Feynman QED lectures are a helpful resource for gaining this understanding.
  • #1
There have been many posts requesting a quantum mechanical explanation for the refraction of light through glass, but none of them (as far as I'm aware) explain why higher frequency light refracts more than lower frequency. Can anybody explain why?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It's probably because the refractive index of the substance is different for different wavelengths of light since the velocity of light is going to be different in separate mediums. It is safe to assume that violet light will be faster in a medium than red light will be in the same medium. If we then look at Snell's law, [itex]\displaystyle\frac{\sin(\theta_1)} {\sin(\theta_2)} = \frac{v_1} {v_2} = \frac{n_2} {n_1}[/itex] It is easy to notice that a small change in [itex]v_1[/itex] or [itex]v_2[/itex] will noticeably affect the angles.

The change in the speed of each frequency is due to the material that it's traveling through, and how it vibrates the material.
  • #3
You might consider how the photon takes many different paths and how these paths interfere with each other based on their relative phase angle. These will be related to the energy and frequency of the photon.
  • #4
Ah, I think then I will have to learn more about Quantum Mechanics to really even appreciate the question. Thanks
  • #5
The Feynman QED lectures might help you gain insight.


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