Quine-McCluskey method: Prime implicants - disjunctive minimal forms

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of the Quine-McCluskey method to determine prime implicants and find a disjunctive minimal form for a given boolean function. The method involves opening parentheses and simplifying the expression, creating a table of prime terms, and comparing rows and columns to eliminate duplicates. The final solution is written as a disjunction of the selected prime terms.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hey! :eek:

I am looking at the following:
Use the Quine-McCluskey method to determine the respective prime implicants for the following boolean functions and find a disjunctive minimal form. If available, also give all others disjunctive minimal forms.

\begin{equation*}f(x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4)=\bar{x}_1x_2(\bar{x}_3\lor x_3\bar{x}_4)\lor x_1(x_3\bar{x}_4\lor x_2)\lor (x_1\bar{x}_2\lor x_2)x_3\lor \bar{x}_1x_2(\bar{x}_3x_4\lor \bar{x}_3\bar{x}_4\lor x_3x_4)\end{equation*}

First, we open the parentheses:
\begin{equation*}f(x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4)=\bar{x}_1x_2\bar{x}_3\lor \bar{x}_1x_2x_3\bar{x}_4\lor x_1x_3\bar{x}_4\lor x_1x_2\lor x_1\bar{x}_2x_3\lor x_2x_3\lor \bar{x}_1x_2\bar{x}_3x_4\lor \bar{x}_1x_2\bar{x}_3\bar{x}_4\lor \bar{x}_1x_2x_3x_4\end{equation*}

If one variable doesn't appear at one term it is replaced by $x_i \lor \bar{x}_i$. So we get
\begin{align*}f(x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4)&=\bar{x}_1x_2\bar{x}_3(x_4\lor \bar{x}_4)\lor \bar{x}_1x_2x_3\bar{x}_4\lor x_1(x_2\lor \bar{x}_2)x_3\bar{x}_4\lor x_1x_2(x_3\lor \bar{x}_3)(x_4\lor \bar{x}_4)\lor x_1\bar{x}_2x_3(x_4\lor \bar{x}_4) \\ & \lor (x_1\lor \bar{x}_1)x_2x_3(x_4\lor \bar{x}_4)\lor \bar{x}_1x_2\bar{x}_3x_4 \lor \bar{x}_1x_2\bar{x}_3\bar{x}_4\lor \bar{x}_1x_2x_3x_4\end{align*}

We simplify that expression:
\begin{align*}f(x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4)&=\bar{x}_1x_2\bar{x}_3x_4\lor \bar{x}_1x_2\bar{x}_3\bar{x}_4\lor \bar{x}_1x_2x_3\bar{x}_4\lor x_1x_2x_3\bar{x}_4\lor x_1\bar{x}_2x_3\bar{x}_4\lor x_1x_2x_3x_4\lor x_1x_2\bar{x}_3x_4\\ & \lor x_1x_2x_3\bar{x}_4\lor x_1x_2\bar{x}_3x_4\lor x_1\bar{x}_2x_3x_4 \lor x_1\bar{x}_2x_3\bar{x}_4\lor x_1x_2x_3x_4\lor x_1x_2x_3\bar{x}_4 \\ & \lor \bar{x}_1x_2x_3x_4\lor \bar{x}_1x_2x_3\bar{x}_4\lor \bar{x}_1x_2\bar{x}_3x_4 \lor \bar{x}_1x_2\bar{x}_3x_4\lor \bar{x}_1x_2x_3x_4\end{align*}

Some terms appear more than once, so we can write these once and so we get:
\begin{align*}f(x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4)&=\bar{x}_1x_2\bar{x}_3x_4\lor \bar{x}_1x_2\bar{x}_3\bar{x}_4\lor \bar{x}_1x_2x_3\bar{x}_4\lor x_1x_2x_3\bar{x}_4\lor x_1\bar{x}_2x_3\bar{x}_4\lor x_1x_2x_3x_4\lor x_1x_2\bar{x}_3x_4 \\ & \lor x_1\bar{x}_2x_3x_4\lor \bar{x}_1x_2x_3x_4\end{align*}

It holds that $x^0=\bar{x}$ and $x^1=x$. So we can write the expression in the following form:
\begin{align*}f(x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4)&=x_1^0x_2^1x_3^0x_4^1\lor x_1^0x_2^1x_3^0x_4^0\lor x_1^0x_2^1x_3^1x_4^0\lor x_1^1x_2^1x_3^1x_4^0\lor x_1^1x_2^0x_3^1x_4^0\lor x_1^1x_2^1x_3^1x_4^1\lor x_1^1x_2^1x_3^0x_4^1 \\ & \lor x_1^1x_2^0x_3^1x_4^1\lor x_1^0x_2^1x_3^1x_4^1\end{align*}

We calculate the weight of each term:
\begin{align*}&g(x_1^0x_2^1x_3^0x_4^1)=2 \\ &g( x_1^0x_2^1x_3^0x_4^0)=1 \\ & g( x_1^0x_2^1x_3^1x_4^0)=2 \\ & g( x_1^1x_2^1x_3^1x_4^0)=3 \\ & g( x_1^1x_2^0x_3^1x_4^0)=2 \\ & g( x_1^1x_2^1x_3^1x_4^1)=4 \\ & g( x_1^1x_2^1x_3^0x_4^1)=3 \\ & g( x_1^1x_2^0x_3^1x_4^1)=3 \\ & g( x_1^0x_2^1x_3^1x_4^1)=3\end{align*}

We create the following table:
View attachment 8988

Two terms $m$ and $m'$ can be combined when $|g(m)-g(m')| = 1$. That means that we have to compare all terms of two neighboring classes if they differ by one negation.

We get the following:
View attachment 8989

We can combine two rows if they have "-" on the same position.

View attachment 8990

No more combinations can be done.

So we have the four prime terms:
\begin{align*}p_1=m_1+m_2+m_3+m_8=x_1^0x_2^1=\bar{x}_1x_2 \\ p_2=m_2+m_6+m_8+m_9=x_2^1x_4^1=x_2x_4 \\ p_3=m_3+m_5+m_8+m_9=x_2^1x_3^1=x_2x_3 \\ p_4=m_4+m_5+m_7+m_9=x_1^1x_3^1=x_1x_3\end{align*}

The table of prime terms is:
View attachment 8991

The columns are pairwise compared to whether there is not a column in which the marked primer terms are a subset of the marked primer terms of the other column. If this is the case, then the superset column can be deleted because all conjunctions must be detected, and therefore the conjunction with the superset is also included by selecting the conjunction with the subset.

We can delete the columns $m_2, m_3, m_8$ due to the column $m_1$. We can delete also the columns $m_5, m_7, m_9$ due to the column $m_4$.

Then the table looks as follows:
View attachment 8992

Now we compare the rows (prime terms) of the table in pairs, if there is not one row in which the marked minterms are a subset of the marked minterms of the other row. If this is the case, then the primerm with the subset can be deleted, because one can take the other primerm as a substitute for each marking of the primed primer. The relation is exactly the opposite here as with the columns.

We delete the (empty) row $p_3$ and so we get
View attachment 8993 Therefore we have the prime terms $p_1, p_2, p_4$.

Now the selected prime terms have to be linked to the solution equation by disjunction:
\begin{equation*}p_1\lor p_2\lor p_4=\bar{x}_1x_2\lor x_2x_4\lor x_1x_3\end{equation*}
Is everything correct? (Wondering)


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  • #2
mathmari said:
I am looking at the following:
Use the Quine-McCluskey method to determine the respective prime implicants for the following boolean functions and find a disjunctive minimal form. If available, also give all others disjunctive minimal forms.

\begin{equation*}f(x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4)=\bar{x}_1x_2(\bar{x}_3\lor x_3\bar{x}_4)\lor x_1(x_3\bar{x}_4\lor x_2)\lor (x_1\bar{x}_2\lor x_2)x_3\lor \bar{x}_1x_2(\bar{x}_3x_4\lor \bar{x}_3\bar{x}_4\lor x_3x_4)\end{equation*}

First, we open the parentheses:
\begin{equation*}f(x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4)=\bar{x}_1x_2\bar{x}_3\lor \bar{x}_1x_2x_3\bar{x}_4\lor x_1x_3\bar{x}_4\lor x_1x_2\lor x_1\bar{x}_2x_3\lor x_2x_3\lor \bar{x}_1x_2\bar{x}_3x_4\lor \bar{x}_1x_2\bar{x}_3\bar{x}_4\lor \bar{x}_1x_2x_3x_4\end{equation*}
Now the selected prime terms have to be linked to the solution equation by disjunction:
\begin{equation*}p_1\lor p_2\lor p_4=\bar{x}_1x_2\lor x_2x_4\lor x_1x_3\end{equation*}

Hey mathmari!

I'm not familiar with the Quine-McCluskey method.
Instead I verified your result by drawing a Karnaugh Diagram.
View attachment 9001
It seems to me that the expression should be different. (Worried)

Shouldn't the prime expression be:
$$x_2\lor x_1x_3 $$


  • Karnaugh-Quine-McCluskey.png
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  • #3
Klaas van Aarsen said:
I'm not familiar with the Quine-McCluskey method.
Instead I verified your result by drawing a Karnaugh Diagram.

It seems to me that the expression should be different. (Worried)

Shouldn't the prime expression be:
$$x_2\lor x_1x_3 $$

So, is there a unique solution? (Wondering)
  • #4
mathmari said:
So, is there a unique solution?

Looking at the Karnaugh Diagram for this case, I believe this is the only solution that is this simple.
That is, if we pick a different covering, then we can remove symbols while still having the same cover.
If I understand correctly, that means that it is indeed the only prime implicant. (Thinking)

FAQ: Quine-McCluskey method: Prime implicants - disjunctive minimal forms

1. What is the Quine-McCluskey method?

The Quine-McCluskey method is a logical algorithm used to simplify boolean expressions. It is commonly used in digital circuit design to minimize the number of logic gates needed to implement a given boolean function.

2. What are prime implicants in the Quine-McCluskey method?

Prime implicants are the essential prime implicants that cover all the minterms in a boolean expression. They are the minimal expressions that cannot be further reduced by combining with other terms.

3. How are prime implicants identified in the Quine-McCluskey method?

Prime implicants are identified by comparing the binary representations of minterms in a boolean expression. If two minterms have only one bit difference, they can be combined to form a prime implicant.

4. What is a disjunctive minimal form in the Quine-McCluskey method?

A disjunctive minimal form is the simplified boolean expression obtained after applying the Quine-McCluskey method. It is in the form of a sum of prime implicants, where each prime implicant represents a group of minterms that cover all the terms in the original expression.

5. How does the Quine-McCluskey method differ from other boolean simplification methods?

The Quine-McCluskey method is a systematic and algorithmic approach to simplifying boolean expressions, whereas other methods such as Karnaugh maps rely on visual inspection and intuition. The Quine-McCluskey method also guarantees the minimal expression, whereas other methods may not always result in the most simplified form.

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