Solve Flow Over Topography with FEMLAB-COMSOL Multiphysics and PDE Weak Forms

  • #1
I have just started to work on FEMLAB.I am using at the moment the PDE modes-Weak forms to solve flow over topography using the lubrication equation. I have implemented the lubrication equations into the subsomain settings and set the boundary conditions but i do get wrong results. Does anyone knows FEMLAB?

Any suggestions will be really appreciated.
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  • #2
Hi Catherine, haven't used the lubrication equations that much myself but perhaps can come up with something. What do you mean by getting the wrong results, what actually is wrong?
  • #3
Hi Vanechka, I know the results that I should be expecting from "Gravity driven flow of continuous thin liquid films on non-porous substrated with topography" I am trying to solve the flow over a step down with the lubrication equation in FEMLAB. I have implemented the lubrication equation into the subdomain settings in terms of weak forms for the film thickness and pressure equation. the initial condition were: the film thickness is h=1 and at the outlet the first derivative dh/dx=0.Could you please advice me.
  • #4
Hi Catherine,

I have some experience working with thin film flows. I would like to know if you finally made FEMLAB work with the lubrication equation.

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