Solving a complex value equation

In summary: So the possible angles for $\sin \theta=\pm\frac 1{\sqrt 2}$ are $\frac\pi 4$, $\frac\pi 4+\frac\pi 2=\frac{3\pi}4$, $\frac\pi 4+2\frac\pi 2=\frac{5\pi}4$, $\frac\pi 4+3\frac\pi 2=\frac{7\pi}4$ and so on. This is where the $\frac{k\pi}2$ comes from.In summary, the conversation discusses solving for x in the equation 1+2sinh^2(z)=0. The solution is obtained by substituting z=iw and
  • #1
Gold Member
Dear Everyone,

I have a question about how to solve for x near the end of the problem:
\[ 1+2\sinh^{2}(z)=0 \]

Here is the solution and work:
\[ 1+2\sinh^2(z)=0 \\ \sinh^2(z)=\frac{-1}{2}\\ \sqrt{\sinh^2(z)}=\pm \sqrt{\frac{-1}{2}}\\ \sinh(z)=\pm i\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\\ \]

Then we can split the positive complex number and the negative complex number.
\[ \sinh(z)= \frac{i}{\sqrt{2}}\ \text{or} \sinh(z)= \frac{-i}{\sqrt{2}} \]

Let's focus on the positive complex number. (The method will be identical to the negative complex):
\[ \sinh(z)=\frac{i}{\sqrt{2}} \]

We know that \( \sinh{z}=\sinh{x} \cos{y}+i \cosh{x} \sin{y} \). So by plugin the identity for $\sinh{z}$, we yield this equation:
\[ \cos{y} \sinh{x} +i \cosh{x} \sin{y}=\frac{i}{\sqrt{2}} \]

We can use this fact that $a+bi=c+di$ is equal if and only if $a=c$ and $b=d$. So the equation can be split off to the real part and the imaginary part on both sides of the equation; we yield:
\[ \cos {y} \sinh{x} =0\ \text{and} \ \sin{y} \cosh{x}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \]

We need to solve the real part first because we can gain some conditions on $x$ and $y$ for the imaginary part of the equation:
\[ \cos{y} \sinh{x}=0\\ \cos{y}=0\ \text{or} \sinh{x}=0 \\ y=\frac{\pi}{2}+n\pi\, \ \forall n\in \mathbb{Z}\,\ \text{or}\ x=0 \]

For the imaginary part:
For $x=0$, $\cosh(0)\sin{y}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \implies \sin{y}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}$ Note that $\cosh(0)=1$.
$y=\frac{\pi}{4}+n\pi$, for all $n\in\mathbb{Z}$.

For $y=\frac{\pi}{2}+n\pi$,
Case 1: $n=2m$ , where $m\in\mathbb{Z}$
We know that $\sin({\frac{\pi}{2}+2m\pi})=1$, so we can simplify the equation:
\[ \cosh{x}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \]
We can use the definition of $\cosh{x}$ in the form of the exponential functions nd solve the quadratic equations in terms of $e^x$:
\[ \frac{e^{x}+e^{-x}}{2}=\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}\\ e^x+e^{-x}=\sqrt{2} \\ e^x+\frac{1}{e^x}=\sqrt{2}\\ e^{2x}-\sqrt{2}e^x+1=0\\ e^x=\frac{\sqrt{2}\pm\sqrt{2-4}}{2} \]
\[ e^x=\frac{\sqrt{2}\pm i\sqrt{2}}{2} \]

We want to solve the $x$. I am confused by the next step.

For $y=\frac{\pi}{2}+n\pi$,
Case 2: $n=2m+1$ , where $m\in\mathbb{Z}$
We know that $\sin({\frac{\pi}{2}+(2m+1)\pi})=-1$, so we can simplify the equation:
\[ \cosh{x}=\frac{-1}{\sqrt{2}} \]
We can use the definition of $\cosh{x}$ in the form of the exponential functions nd solve the quadratic equations in terms of $e^x$:
\[ \frac{e^{x}+e^{-x}}{2}=\frac{-\sqrt{2}}{2}\\ e^x+e^{-x}=-\sqrt{2} \\ e^x+\frac{1}{e^x}=-\sqrt{2}\\ e^{2x}+\sqrt{2}e^x+1=0\\ e^x=\frac{-\sqrt{2}\pm\sqrt{2-4}}{2} \]
\[ e^x=\frac{-\sqrt{2}\pm i\sqrt{2}}{2} \]

We want to solve the $x$. I am confused by the next step as well.

Do we need to worry about the negative complex numbers as well?Thanks for your help,
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  • #2
Cbarker1 said:
\[ e^x=\frac{-\sqrt{2}\pm i\sqrt{2}}{2} \]

We want to solve the $x$. I am confused by the next step as well.

Do we need to worry about the negative complex numbers as well?

The $x$ here is supposed to be a real number. Since your solution will be complex, it means there is no solution for $x$ in this case.
Note that $\cosh(x)\ge 1$ for all real $x$, so from $\cosh x=\frac 1{\sqrt 2}$, we could already see that it would not have a solution.

Either way, you're making it a bit more complicated than it needs to be.
Consider that \( \sinh(iw)=\frac 12(e^{iw}-e^{-iw}) = i\frac 1{2i}(e^{iw}-e^{-iw}) = i\sin(w) \).

So substitute $z=iw$ to find:
\[ \sinh z=\pm\frac i{\sqrt 2} \\ \sinh(iw)=\pm i\frac 1{\sqrt 2} \\ i\sin(w)=\pm i\frac 1{\sqrt 2} \\ \sin(w)=\pm\frac 1{\sqrt 2} \\ w=\frac\pi 4+k\frac\pi 2 \\ z=i\Big(\frac\pi 4+k\frac\pi 2\Big) \]
  • #3
OK. I learned about my method in my university's complex analysis course as an undergrad. Your method is much simpler.
  • #4
Klaas van Aarsen said:
Did you used the $\arcsin(u)$ , where $u$ is some function, on both side of the equation to find $w$. How did you found out that $w$ needs to include this part $\frac{k\pi}{2}$?
  • #5
Cbarker1 said:
Did you used the $\arcsin(u)$ , where $u$ is some function, on both side of the equation to find $w$. How did you found out that $w$ needs to include this part $\frac{k\pi}{2}$?
It's from the unit circle in combination with the fact that $\sin\frac\pi 4=\frac 1{\sqrt 2}$ is a 'standard' formula.
\draw[help lines] ({1/sqrt(2)},{1/sqrt(2)}) -- ({-1/sqrt(2)},{1/sqrt(2)}) -- ({-1/sqrt(2)},{-1/sqrt(2)}) -- ({1/sqrt(2)},{-1/sqrt(2)}) -- cycle;
\draw[help lines] ({-1/sqrt(2)},{-1/sqrt(2)}) -- ({1/sqrt(2)},{1/sqrt(2)}) ({-1/sqrt(2)},{1/sqrt(2)}) -- ({1/sqrt(2)},{-1/sqrt(2)}) -- cycle;
\path ({1/sqrt(2)},0) node[fill=black!5,below] {$\frac 1{\sqrt 2}$};
\path (0,{1/sqrt(2)}) node[fill=black!5,left] {$+\frac 1{\sqrt 2}$};
\path (0,{-1/sqrt(2)}) node[fill=black!5,left] {$-\frac 1{\sqrt 2}$};
\draw[-latex] (0,0) node[above right,xshift=.8cm] {$\frac\pi 4$} (0.2,0) arc (0:45:0.2);
\draw[-latex] (-1.2,0) -- (1.2,0) node[above] {$x$-axis};
\draw[-latex] (0,-1.2) -- (0,1.2) node[ right ] {$y$-axis};
\draw[blue, ultra thick] (0,0) circle (1);

In the unit circle we can see that there are 4 angles that correspond to $\sin \theta=\pm\frac 1{\sqrt 2}$, and they have an angle of $\frac\pi 2$ between them.

FAQ: Solving a complex value equation

1. What is a complex value equation?

A complex value equation is an equation that involves complex numbers, which are numbers that have both a real and imaginary component. These equations often involve variables raised to non-integer powers or roots of negative numbers.

2. How do I solve a complex value equation?

To solve a complex value equation, you will need to use algebraic techniques such as factoring, combining like terms, and isolating the variable. You may also need to use properties of complex numbers, such as the conjugate or modulus, to simplify the equation.

3. Can I use a calculator to solve a complex value equation?

Yes, you can use a calculator to solve a complex value equation, but it is important to make sure that your calculator is set to handle complex numbers. Some calculators have a specific mode for working with complex numbers, while others may require you to input the numbers in a specific format.

4. What are the common mistakes to avoid when solving a complex value equation?

Some common mistakes to avoid when solving a complex value equation include forgetting to distribute negative signs, forgetting to simplify radicals, and making errors when combining like terms. It is also important to remember that the solutions to complex value equations may involve both real and imaginary numbers.

5. Why is it important to solve complex value equations?

Solving complex value equations is important because they are used in many fields of science and engineering, such as electrical engineering, physics, and chemistry. These equations allow us to model and understand complex systems and phenomena that cannot be described by real numbers alone.

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